This was something that I had to do, at some point. My original Pokémon game, with original Kabutroid and Florin and Quake, all those guys. They've been trapped for years, I couldn't allow it. And so, on one fateful day, on August 10th, 2019, I set about releasing all of my Pokémon. I had captured, in the boxes, one of every single pokémon in the game, including one of each stage of evolution. For the starters, way back when, my brother had a gameboy as well, and we traded back and forth a bit to get all of the starters. I think I used eggs to get the middle evolutions for those, and the rest is more or less find and catch. Some levelling lol. But so, we have to the right, all of our Pokémon in Pokémon Blue being released once again into the wild. Go free little ones, the world is your oyster! May your bits and bytes be forever known as wild, and not disappear while being locked in some box.
And that was the thing that prompted me to do all of this, the realization that, well, the battery in my original Gameboy cart is going to fail eventually, and when it does the cart will simply be... empty. So before that could happen, a full 22 years after I had gotten the game, the Pokémon were released into the wild, and allowed to be free again. My original Kabutops... the origin of the Kabu of Kabutroid (the game came out before Zebeth, thus the name)... go free little spiky one. Before your save data vanishes from a little blue cartridge, go free and be wild. The releasing of the Pokémon ^_^ |