(Sing to the tune of "Hey Mickey" by Toni Basil) OHMIC-y, lots of finds, lots of finds, it blows my mind, OHMIC-y, OHMIC-y Cache Initial Contents:
Finder Note:
6/14/2007 by Kabuthunk
Pretty much immediately after having found Dani's nice-smelling-area cache a little bit to the West, I headed over to this cache in my quest to visit the "Manitoba Tyndall Stone" Earthcache sites. Yet another nice-smelling cache location. Man, I could get used to these .
There were however quite a number of random bystanders kicking around. Luckly, none were in the immediate area, and just walking down the sidewalk, minding their own business. Well... that, and some person taping signs of some sort to posts on the bridge... but their back was to me 99% of the time anyway. The mower that Slippery speaks of was long gone, as I didn't so much as even hear a mower... but could definitely tell that the grass was freshly mown.
Aw yeah... the smell of freshly mown grass AND flowers! This is arguably the best-smelling cache I've ever visited to date .
Looking non-geocachery was quite easy for this cache. Clipped to the side of my geocaching bag... is my camera. Pulling it out and pretending like I was taking pictures (didn't bother however, since flowers don't interest me all that much. In retrospect, I should have taken a pic for the cache page... but you know what they say about hindsight). A little "whoops, I slipped" motion, and the cache was in hand! Luckly, I was able to spot the cache container itself before attempting to go after it. Hence, when time time came to 'slip', it was an easy find. Although, in winter the cache might have some hiding problems, but I could easily be mistaken... I dunno.
So... a quick poke around the cache container, and seeing nothing that specifically piqued my interest to trade (it's kinda rare that I trade... but I always still check ), in goes a chainmail ball, and back goes the cache. To the bikemobile! Kabs has other caches to find
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
Retrieving this cache may be a little thorny.