This small lock & lock is filled with erasers for all those mistakes you might have made. It is located on a hiking/biking trail next to the river. Please beware of muggles when retrieving/replacing the cache. Bring your own writing instrument.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/14/2007 by Kabuthunk
Much like Slippery appears to have done, I decided to circle around South towards this cache after having done several near the Cathedral. Given Slippery's log here, I'm now convinced that I was just about following his entire path, but sometime shortly after he had already been there .
And now that I can actually read the entire cache name (since my GPS only shows me about 8 characters before it runs out of room the way I have it set up. Most caches lately are just listed as Splash, followed by two random letters... doesn't exactly help me much ), the large quantity of erasers inside of the cache finally make sense. When I opened it up I was like "Man... that's some weird coincidence that everyone is trading an eraser into this cache". Strange how things seem a lot less weird when you know the whole story
In either case... this was quite an easy find, on a surprisingly nice trail to bike down. Very few people nearby, so extraction and replacing of the cache container was quite easy to do unseen. After boggling over the erasers for a while when I was there (determined that I wouldn't trade for an eraser, since 99% of my logs in the logbook are in pen . However, I think THIS particular one may have been in pencil, since I didn't feel like pulling out my pen at the time), I lobbed in a chainmail ball (starting to run low though... need to make more soon) and put it back in place. After a few seconds of fanangling, I hid the cache container with the available natural (and possibly not-quite-so-natural... not sure offhand) camo available there. Mental note next time I bike to the Forks though... go down this path again. Very relaxing for some reason
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)