It's Pool time!! Come join the MBGA for the monthly Pub Nite and shoot some stick while chatting with other cachers about caching! Anytime after 8pm at the above co-ords! Please post a will attend if you think you are coming just so we
can let the establishment know how many people we are expecting
(I'll add one for The-Stuntman just like I always
do!) Hope to see you all there!! |
7/6/2007 by Kabuthunk
Quite fun indeed going there. Glad I stuck with my decision to make my way there. Met everyone that I haven't seen since the CITO, and met a few new faces to boot. One of which went geocaching in a group I was a part of .
Never been to that particular billiard hall before, but it was very nice to say the least. Very clean in general, well-kept pooltables, and good music. I have to make a mental note to come back there again sometime.
And of course, as mentioned before... several of us went out for a few geocaches at about 10:00pm. The group consisted of myself, Ertyu, Jimbo 2, Cache and Cary, and area51-wpg (one of the aformentioned new faces. Nice meeting you by the way... glad you could come caching ). One cache most likely missing and one found... and back we went. DEFINITELY glad to have had the help of a ladder, and a group of friends with me for caching there. wouldn't have felt particularily comfortable looking for those on my own. Not familiar with the neighbourhood, and some of the... uhh... scenery we came across didn't fill me with bravery (see "Nooooooo! - Akward tree cache" for details).
But all in all, an amazingly fun evening . Dropped a macromail ball at the event (usual Tetra-orb style chainmail ball, but in 12 gauge wire rings... a lot bigger in general), and played a few games of pool. I've gotta do this more often
Took: A beating at pool
Left: Macromail ball (didn't see the event logbook though)
7/6/2007 by Kabuthunk
Well, I may not have a ride (pending one or two people who may or may not come with me), but I'm really wanting to make this gathering. Expect to see me there, but I may leave slightly earlier just to avoid walking around north of Portage after dark.
Bringing the Kabucrikey geocoin, and maybe a few other random things with me to boot :}
EDIT: Peculiar... noone else has dropped any TB's into the event yet. Is anyone bringing any?
7/3/2007 by Kabuthunk
I'll see what I can do about getting there, but to put it bluntly... I'm reeeeally not comfortable in that area of the city past dark. What are the odds I could persuade someone to give me a lift or some such?
Sorry, I grew up in the country. The big city still scares this hillbilly, and especially so north of or around Portage after dark . Then again, the problem with THAT is that I'd need a ride home, too... making the entire endeavour a lot more pain-in-the-rear.
Nonetheless... I'll see what I can do about maybe getting a few friends more familiar with the area if worse comes to worst. Cross your fingers.
Hints (Back)
Flea Whiskey's, 601 Erin Street