Cache is right along a main bike path so some stealth is required. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/31/2008 by Kabuthunk
At long last... the quest I had set for myself was about to come to completion. Barring of course an unforseen DNF at this cache, but given the smiley-face to the upper-left corner of this log, I think it's safe to assume that I have indeed found it, completing my quest .
For you see, this cache is offically the last cache for me to find in the 300's. My 399th find, letting tonight's event of 'Reviewer's Night Out' be number 400. I was a bit worried at first about not being able to find this one, since I had noticed that it had a DNF relatively recently. I have my GPS set so that the 'description' field shows me what the last four entries on a cache were. Being as it was "FNFF", that "N" was a bit troubling. It wasn't going to be particularly depressed about getting a DNF or anything (unlike many... if not most... people, I actually log every DNF I acquire), but at the time I was walking toward this geocache, I had approximately 5 minutes to walk the 300 remaining meters to it, find the cache, open and sign it, replace it, and get back into my car. So even if I would be able to find it, it may take more than those several minutes to do so.
Luck was with me however. Upon nearing the cache, I was both thankful and lucky enough that noone was either walking or biking by. When I was still around 50 meters away, a biker had gone by... but otherwise it was silent and empty... exactly what I needed to find me a geocache as fast as possible .
Getting near the coordinates, I could make a relatively safe assumption as to where approximately the cache would be hidden. I actually didn't even know what the name of the cache was, but that would have been an even bigger indicater of such .
Taking a few quick glances around to make sure the coast was still clear, I quickly dove in.
Well, not literally. I'm not a smurf or anything .
But about 20 seconds of looking later, I had the cache firmly grasped in my hands . Although... I don't know if you want to bother amending your cache description... it's not so much a 35mm film canister than a pill container. They're pretty close for size, but y'know. I'm just picky about things like that
. Unless of course it was replaced in the past with this container... but this is all speculation on my part.
I like speculating .
But yes... a quick log entry later and I placed the cache back into its hiding spot. A little bit of 'natural' camouflage later, and it was as if I had never been there.
And just in time, too! When I got about 10 meters from the cache, several people came over the rise. If I had been a bit later, they would have found me right at ground-zero. Luck is definitely with me today .
Thanks for the cache! I always figured there wasn't enough in Assinaboine Park. It's a massive, popular park, but had surprisingly few caches inside of it considering. So glad to have been able to find yours .
Took: Nothing (not that much could have fit inside the cache container anyway
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)