I always like going to this park. I was surprised at how few caches were placed here, so I am going to change that. I thought I had an original idea but it seems someone else did this one already. But since I made the effort of making the container I hid it anyhow. It is a custom container the size of a larger pill bottle but well camo'd. I hope you enjoy my first cache. Cache contains FTF Certificate and a couple of Tim bucks for the FTF. Not much room for anything else other than the log book and pencil. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
8/1/2010 by Kabuthunk
AHA! I told you I'd be back in the next day or so! And this time, with a new game-plan ahead of me, I planned to return and claim this cache as a find. It certainly didn't go down without a fight though.
So very similar to yesterday, I convinced my wife to come with me for the trip out to the park. Although it had been raining all morning, the skies seemed to clear up and we actually got a fair amount of sun out of today. Pfft... forecasters. How in the world meteorologists manage to even have a job, I'll never know. I don't think the forecast has been accurate this year past about an 8 hour window. Hell, I can do that... it's called look out the window!
But I digress. With the weather clearing up (albeit still being incredibly humid), I headed out of our apartment at about 3:30 in the direction of the park again. This time however, my wife took her rollerblades and I took my bike with me. The theory was that she'd practice blading around a bit or reading, while I bike to a few geocaches. Parking in the fairly empty parking lot again, we hopped out and headed to the familiar shelter. She decided to read a bit while I was hunting around, and man did I hunt.
I completely abandoned virtually all of my previous methods of hunting last time. Instead, I did more of a grid-search on a large, approximately 20 meter square area. I'm quite glad the area was pretty much entirely devoid of people within eyesight (aside from two people playing soccer off to the South), since otherwise they'd probably be curious as to why a person was walking around back and forth for seemingly no reason .
At the end of the search, I had come up completely empty however. I figured it was almost CERTAIN that I'd come across the cache looking where I thought it would have been. But alas... I was mistaken. I gave a quick skim-over of my 20 meter area again, still coming up with nothing. At this point, as I neared the shelter again, I was surprised to find a car parked beside it with a flashing yellow light on the hood. Perplexed, I go up to my wife, who says she just looked up from her book a minute ago and saw him park there. Turns out on Sundays, the park staff lock up the washrooms at about 4:00pm. Really? That... seems rather absurd and early. A few minutes later, a woman and her dog came up hoping to get water for the poor dog, but because everything was locked up, they were out of luck. Honestly, I can't fathom why the lock it that early... but I don't work there, so I've got no room to talk I guess.
In either case, once the park's helper-monkey and the woman and dog had left, I returned to the search, decided to try looking closer to the coordinates again. The coordinates kept dragging me towards an area I thought I had scoured, but several minutes later I was proven to have been wrong! After groping around for a bit hoping to get lucky... that's exactly what happened! I spotted something which I figured had a good chance of being the cache, and after a bit of fanagling, I indeed had the cache container depicted in other people's posted pictures in hand . Right search method, wrong area before
. Parking myself on the slope in the sun, I basked in the warmth while signing the logbook. Things were quite damp inside though... the cache owner will probably want to check on this. It looks like the ORIGINAL log is a completely soggy mess, but the replacement log is still decent. If careful, you might be able peel apart the original and dry it out somewhere.
Otherwise, thanks for the cache, even if it was... umm... a little pungent. Methinks the primary purpose of the shelter at the top of the hill has permeated the hiding spot somewhat .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
7/31/2010 by Kabuthunk
Man, this cache was just determined to not be found today. At least by me, anyway. Also a somewhat disheartening beginning to things as well... this is the very first time I've ever been in this park. A bit of a surprise at that, since I've driven by this park like... hundreds of times now. I just never paid attention to it, and moreso thought it was a random, undeveloped field that would eventually grow to encompass houses and whatnot. I had never really paid attention to the signs indicating the park entrance or anything.
In either case, the fact that this park is indeed a park became known to me only a week or so ago. On our last trip out to Grand Beach, my wife mentioned that she used to go to this park as a kid, and wondered if I had gone there at one point or another. I told her 'no', but that I thought there was geocaches somewhere in the area (apparently quite a few, as it were). Thus, she promised to at one point or another bring me out to see the park. I didn't have to wait long, since today turned out to be a beautiful day, and I was bouncing with energy to go for a hike or something this morning. Thus, after enough bugging my wife (I suppose I could have technically gone alone, but I wanted her to go for a walk with me), we headed out to the park. After arriving, the hunt soon began.
Thankfully, there were few people around in the park, and absolutely nobody near this shelter. Which is probably good, since I spent a good... no exaggeration... 45 solid minutes hunting for this damn thing. A good 20 or so of those must have been spent investigating those two bushes near the coordinates. But try as I might, the cache would just not become visible to me. After the first 15 someodd minutes of hunting, during which my wife was also helping me, I pulled out the palm pilot to see what Cachemate could tell me about the description and last four logs. Apparently, no hints though . Alas, nothing in particular seemed to help more than how I was looking in general, but I would not give up! The description indicated it was a unique container, so I assumed it wouldn't be something ordinary. I thus poked, prodded, shuffled through, ran my fingers around, or stared at from every possible angle everything in the immediate vicinity, still coming up empty. After I had searched, re-searched, re-re-searched, and re-re-re-searched those two bushes and all possible aspects of the shelter wall, I spread out thinking that perhaps it's hidden somehow hidden on the rafters of the shelter. Despite the fact that the cache name absolutely doesn't fit that... I hunted anyway... and obviously came up empty. One more quick skim, and I eventually called it quits.
However... this is a massive park apparently, and there's plenty more caches for me to find here! I will definitely be returning sometime in the near future... possibly in the next day or so... to give it another go. After looking at the pictures attached to this cache, I get the feeling the GPS was playing tricks with me a bit, and I was... higher than I needed to be, so to speak. In either case, I'll be focusing my attention in a slightly different area than I was looking over today. IF it's hidden the way I think it might be, I did actually look around for that type of hide, but likely just wasn't in the right area. Hopefully next time my GPS will play nicely, and I'll be able to make the find.
But I shall return... make no mistake about that. I don't particularly like leaving unresolved DNF's for all that long . And given this is DNF #95 for me, I'll be somewhat disappointed with myself if it makes it to #100
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)