Familiar location.This cache is not where a previous cache was
located.No need to climb on top of structure.But depending on how
tall you are you may need to step up to retrieve. |
You are looking for a NANO,coloured to its hiding spot.Cache
contains only a log sheet so bring your own writing stick.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
5/24/2008 by Kabuthunk
This is another cache that has fallen quite neatly into the category of "Achingly close to home, yet never have a chance to go after it so that it'll continue to mock me in my PQ list, annoying me with it's unfound status like a rock in my shoe which I'm incapable of removing".
I like creative category names
But yes... it does indeed fall into such a category. Pretty much has since the day it was placed. I had found 'Park Lane Pulley' here quite some time ago (in fact, the velco for it appears to still be there), and always felt that something should go into this little park. It's one of those "you can drive past it every day, but likely have never noticed it" type of locations. Glad to see that this cache fills the void
And today, I had time to find this void-filler. It was a gorgeous day for biking, and I specifically set this morning aside to bike to a few caches in the category of "Achingly close to..." you get the idea
. After finding a cache somewhat nearer to my home, I made my way over to this one. Strangely, it was eerily silent in the park. No pedestrians walking by, noone sitting anywhere, no dog-walkers... nothing. Well... cars going by, but I'm pretty sure they were more concerned with not rear-ending the person ahead of them than watching me bike up to the shelter.
So with no bystanders whatsoever around, it looks like the caching gods were looking kindly upon me today. I wasn't about to let such an opportunity go. On my first few attempts at locating the cache, I came up empty-handed. Poking around a few other places, I still remaind dead in the water. However, there was a reason for this. I had not read the cache description prior to going after the cache. Had I, I likely would have located the cache a lot faster. Y'see... the fact that the description has the four letters "N-A-N-O" (ok, well three letters, one repeated) inside of there... yeah... I would have been changing my searching style had I seen that
But alas... without that knowledge, I continued to poke around. At one point, I thought that it might be somehow associated with a brick that seemed to be placed on top of the shelter. However, I had a vague, vague memory from reading the cache description when it first came out about not climbing the structure. Hence, I ruled out the brick, and attributed it to some random punks tossing it up there. I tried to get it down, but it was beyond my reach when standing on the stone fench there
. Thus... the brick shall remain. I suppose I could have used my emergency string or a stick or something to pull it down, but it didn't come to mind. Bah... now that it's on my mind, that brick is going to annoy me for a while
The annoying part about my searching is that near the beginning, I had actually considered one place that the cache might be (which ended up being the correct location), but discarded it early on. Again... the word "nano" probably would have had me reconsider that location pretty quickly. As it turns out, I unfortunately had to resort to the hint, retrieved from my palm pilot and good old cache-mate. Kicking myself for discarding the hiding spot earlier, I deftly went in for the kill and came out victorious
Thanks for the adventure, and for giving me a place to bike to on such a beautiful day
. I think I'm going to make a note of stopping and resting here in general during any bike trips that involve going North-West of where I live. I've always liked this little park
Took: Nothing (yeah, not much swag is gonna fit into that one
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball
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Hints (Back)
Top of right rear leg.