You won't have to walk far though since the cache is less than 10 meters from the parking lot. The cache will not likely be winter accessible. Bring your own writing instrument. The container is small (about 4" x 4" x 3"), but there is only room for a micro log book.
7/29/2008 by Kabuthunk
AHA! Gotcha, ya elusive little cache! Although, in my defense, I'm standing by the claim that the cache was simply not there when I was last looking. I spent most of my hunting time almost exactly where I had found the cache this time, and didn't see anything even remotely close to the cache last time I was there. I have several theories as to why it would have been gone:
1. Another cacher had snagged the cache and took it back to their car/away in general for a while. I can't recall seeing any logs in the logsheet for the 23rd however.
2. Some kids found the cache and took it home. A parent perhaps saw them with it, saw the stash-note, and told the kids to take it back where they got it.
We CLEARLY won't acknowledge any other options such as "I'm blind and just didn't see it." Such options are plainly not in the realm of possible, so they may be discarded with other ridiculous theories like it being hidden by the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Although... I DID have spaghetti and sauce last night and for lunch today... perhaps the Spaghedeity saw this as an act of faith, and allowed me to find it, having hidden it from my view for my decreased pasta consumption for the past few months. FORGIVE ME SPAGHEDEITY! Hear me and hear me now, for I shalt obtain and consume pasta more often than previous! As proof of my faith, you have seen as well as I that I have indeed purchased no less than 10 packets of Mr. Noodles at Safeway not long ago! So, since it's clear as day that Pastafarianism has led me to find the cache, I shalt dedicate my next Mr. Noodles to you, oh noodly one.
That said... I had prepared to go after this cache after work again today. I planned to dinifra, and dinifra it would receive. However, not wanting to take my geocaching kit with me to work, I opted to carry only a chainmail ball and micromail ball with me... since I didn't know what size would be capable of fitting in the cache. Should be enough, thought I. Having found the first 11 geocaches without a GPS at all, this should take me back to the first days of geocaching.
Hence... after a long (long, looooong, loooooooooooong) day at work, I headed towards the coordinates. I filled up with gas first and looped around the block to get closer parking and to avoid having to cross the street diagonally. As I walked to the coordinates, wouldn't you know it... someone parked not 20 feet from the coordinates.
Coincidentally, I had bought a bag of chips while getting gas, and had said bag with me. So I kicked back, leaned against the fence relaxing in the sun, munching on the chips. Anyone walking by just assumed what was true anyway... random guy relaxing in the sun, munching on some chips. I have no clue if this woman was another geocacher (she was in a red car... didn't take a closer look at either her or the car though, as I was trying to look as casual as possible) or just waiting for someone.
A few minutes later... coincidentally almost at the moment I was finishing my chips, she started the car and took off. It's almost as if she stayed there purely to give me an opportunity to finish my snack . Seconds later, I went into 'search' mode. It took all of about 20 seconds to find the cache this time around (which is also why I think it was temporarily astray the first time I was here), so I went back to my chip-eating relaxing spot and opened up the cache.
Awesome idea for pulling the logbook out of that type of container though! Very creative, and worked like a charm .
I discovered that a full chainmail ball fit with ease, and thus it was dropped inside and the cache closed. A quick walk again, and the cache was back in place.
Thanks for the awesome cache container, and giving me something to hunt for after work .
Took: My time eating a bag of chips
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
7/23/2008 by Kabuthunk
By coincidence, I happened to have my GPS with me today. I had a TB that I needed to drop off somewhere, and figured that I'd just... y'know... do it after work.
So just as I pull out to the intersection of Chevrier and Bishop Grandin, my GPS finally acquires enough satellites to get my position. Going to the map screen... wait, something's weird here. I must be zoomed out really far, because it looks like I'm almost on top of a geocache right NOW. That can't be right, since I've cached everything within about 6km's of that spot.
Zooming in however... I realize that the GPS being zoomed out is not the case. There indeed IS a new geocache about 40 meters from my current position. Obviously, this ache wouldn't do for a TB-drop... since most micros can't hold the TB tag, let alone what's attached to them... but a cache near work = happy Kabs . Quickly swinging onto the street, I park in front of the strip-mall right beside me there. Lessee... not allowed to park until after 5:30. I glance at the clock... 5:36. Excellent
. Then again, the fact that there were two more cars there kinda tipped me off too.
Hopping out of the car, I work my way around until I'm diagonally across the road from the car, standing near the coordinates. Unfortunately, there appear to be approximately 847 different places to hide a micro here . One of the spots... the shrubbery mentioned in the description... stands out as being the most likely location. Crouching down, I begin a thorough scan of every branch I can find there... and turn up empty.
Time for Cachemate to do its job! Pulling out my palm pilot, I check out the cache description (looks like I was on the right track, anyway), and the past few logs. Nothing particularly useful that I wasn't already trying as is . Checking out the hint does little to help in my current predicament either.
So I try a few more methods of hunting. Swinging through a little opening under the spruce (or pine, whatever they are... I can never tell which is which), I find myself in a dark little opening. Man, if I lived near here as a kid, this would make a kinda cool little fort. I looked everywhere I could there, followed by crouching down and attempting to see the cache from the back-side, so to speak. No such luck.
Emerging, I give one more go at a thorough search of the aformentioned shrubbery... nada. This cache is definitely getting the better of me. It looks like this cache will defeat me for today... but I will return! I work like... a block from here, so it's not like I won't have opportunities to go after it again .
On the plus side... the shrubbery smells very fragrant and nice when you're poking around through it .
Hints (Back)
Hidden in the shrubs near the trees.