For my first hide, it's a camo’d micro located in a local sports park. On most nights in the summer, the park is home to slow pitch games, and during the winter the arena is packed with hockey players. Cache contains only a log book and FTF certificate. Please bring your own writing stick. Watch out for muggle track walkers. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/24/2008 by Kabuthunk
Wow, kinda surprised I found this one. My second cache of the day, on a day where I decided to challenge myself to the micros strewn about the area. After a quick find at Captain Obvious, I quickly biked my way over to here. I'm not entirely sure of the path I took to get here from Captain Obvious, but it involved going through a pedestrian opening between two apartment complexes. I took the easier way out, later .
But anyway, as I neared the coordinates, I realized what the area as a whole was. This got me a bit nervous, as I expected several kids to be... y'know... hanging around or some such. Had that been the case, I would have just kept going without stopping. Thankfully, the roads, field, everything was quiet. Not a soul to be seen or heard. Not even in the railyard (or whatever that is) across the road! Luck was with me so far today, let's see what else it can do.
Hopping off my bike, I began to ponder the staggeringly large number of places a micro could hide. I started off giving the bottom 2/3rds (closest to where the coordinates pointed me) a generally good 10-minute look over, turning up nothing. I then decided to give it a go from above for another few minutes, but quickly concluded that not only was my visibility a lot worse up there, but I was a lot more conspicuous to boot. Going back below, I gave the entirity of the area a second scouring... still nothing. However, I was still wearing my bike helmet, which was getting in the way. Almost seconds after removing it however, I spotted the cache! The helmet was actually still in my hands when it caught my eye.
Being thankful that it was still quiet and bystanderless out, I moved quickly to make sure that it remained that way . A quick signing of the logbook and a micromail ball later, and I replaced the cache back in it's spot. REALLY nice hiding spot though! I can't imagine ANYONE ever finding that fella by accident. With the coast still clear, I hopped on my bike again and took off.
But that wasn't the end of me, actually. For you see... in my haste, my sack o' chainmail balls was accidentally left on the ground, opened up and showing shiny things to boot! Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until I had reached the "ICU - 43 60KMH" cache. When there, I scoured my bag and pockets, panicing that the sack had dropped somewhere along the way. Returning to thinking logically, I figured it's ridiculously unlikely to have fallen out of the bag, and thus must have been left over here.
Worried that some random kids would come see it and snag it, I biked back to the coordinates at full-tilt. How I managed to not get winded, overtired, or completely worn out, I'll never know. I took a more direct street-based route from the ICU cache back to this one this time however. Thankfully, sitting on the ground exactly as I (assumingly) left it was my bag o' chainmail balls.
*whew* With that sudden panic gone, I once again headed out. There was still noone within sight, except for someone getting into a vehicle in the fenced-in area across the street. Just to the West however, a few people were starting to leave that... community center? Whatever building that is. I guess some event was happening there, and I was lucky enough to have gone after the cache during it. Luckier still, noone decided to leave and wander around the track area .
So thanks for the well-hidden cache, even if I had to visit it twice today . It's definitely challenging, to say the least
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)