Altoids container cammo'd to match its surroundings. 25cents for FTF (donated by Blaaargh) |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/26/2008 by Kabuthunk
First and only find of the day. But hey, I'm fine with that. This cache marks day 6 in my attempt to break my previous record (of 9) for the most days consecutively finding a cache. Not only that, but this was the closest cache to my home coordinates, so it had extra reason to fear being found by myself!
Well, that is if it feared being found. Which I doubt, given it's purpose.
Well, if it was sentient, and had feelings, that is .
But anyway, I had planned this cache to be the find-of-the-day before even leaving for work. Thus, right after work I had the GPS point me the way, and headed straight over. Although I actually contemplated finding it two days ago while biking. However, it was about 800 meters away at the closest, and the sun was going down quickly. Not knowing how difficult it was at the time, I opted out.
Which brings me to today! After working my way towards the coordinates, I began to look for parking. Seeing as parking on the street was only on the OTHER side, meaning I'd have to turn around to street-park (*sigh*... parking is ALWAYS in the opposite direction to what I'm going in), I decided to just swing into a parking lot approximately vaguely close to where the coordinates should be. I hadn't looked at the GPS in about 20 seconds, so I figured I'd be a hundred or so meters from it. Picking up my GPS, I saw something unusual.
7 meters.
That's... a little strange. I had it re-calculate to direct-path instead of follow-road.
5 meters.
That's... even more confusing. The only things even remotely close to me, other than another parked car, was a dumpster, the bus stop, and a big sign for the strip mall. Getting somewhat confused (since I thought it would most likely be hidden in the sign of the possible 3 places... but that was probably about 10-15 meters away), I decided to check my palm pilot's Cachemate to check the description. Perhaps this was a multi that just had the wrong symbol or something. After reading the cache description... it all made sense. I had, by blind luck, parked one spot away from the absolute closest possible parking spot to the cache .
At this point, I didn't particularly worry about parking elsewhere to avoid taking up strip-mall parking if I'm not shopping there. With the coordinates being so close, and the terrain/difficulty being so low, I figured I had a good chance of finding it quickly.
And right I was! Thanks to the distinct lack of people anywhere even remotely close, I was able to find the cache in about 5 seconds . Popping it open (its camouflage makes it stay closed pretty solidly, at least), I signed up the logbook and tossed in a micromail ball. Couldn't get a regular one in there... the lids of these containers tend not to close properly if I use a regular-sized chainmail ball. I also decided to drop off a geocoin that I've been holding onto for too long. It's on its way to Australia... which unfortunately I can't provide... but who knows... maybe by some blind chance, the next cacher finding this cache will be taking this bus to the airport to fly to Australia... or something
While I was sitting there signing however, a Southbound bus came by and dropped off a few people. I was momentarily worried I'd have to wait them out if they needed to grab a bus on this side to go somewhere else, but thankfully they just walked off down the street, assumingly to their house. Them out of the picture, I replaced the cache and went back to my car... an agonizing 5 meters away .
In either case, thanks for the cache somewhat close to home! Only a few more days of caches, and I'll have beaten my old record!
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)