This cache is located in Bird's Hill Park. Don't forget your park pass. New 303 Pathfinders Cache. Joe Bine travel bug, log book, trinkets. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/14/2009 by Kabuthunk
Fourth cache of the day for me, of a total of 15 finds (16 attempts... damn you single DNF!). After having gone after the 'Viva La Smiley' cache over by the lake (if that is even defined as a lake... perhaps a pond or something... I always figured it too small for 'lake' designation), and twiggled my feet in the water for about 20 minutes, I figured it was time to head to the next cache. With a head refreshingly doused in water, I worked my way off towards this cache.
Actually, it's more blind luck than anything else that I went after this one today. My original plan was going to be to find about 5 or so caches for today (yeah, that plan kinda got trumped), generally being the ones closest to the main road. From the "lake", my theory was going to be to go to the cache pretty much straight East from there and then work my way South. By blind chance, I must have scrolled the GPS up a little bit on the map screen, and selected 303 Pathfinders. It was only when I was about halfway to the cache that I realized that it took me a good distance to the North. For a moment, I thought about switching to another geocache, but then thought "eh, might as well".
And I'm glad I did . For starters, I worked my way through the field (and unlike the last time I was at Bird's Hill and biked through the field to get to the nearby JP II, I was able to follow a vaguely smooth path to avoid being tired out moreso) and found myself at the largish, familiar hill pretty much immediately beside JP II cache. Ahh, I've almost forgotten how fun it is to go to the top, not pedal, and see how much speed you pick up cruising down the hill
. It gets a little interesting at the bottom when you start hitting the rougher terrain, but I managed to hold on and ride it out until I was back to normal speed. At that point, I continued my way towards the coordinates.
Upon nearing ground zero, I came to realize that this cache, despite being 'regular' size, might put up a fight. All of the spruce (or pine... I can never remember how to tell which) trees were covered in brand new batches of needles at the end of every branch. All in all, it made for a lot denser trees. On the plus side, since the needles were so new, they didn't seem pointy at all . However, pushing my hand through to the older needles in order to check around basically negated that benefit
After circling around for a little bit, I managed to come across the cache container moreso by blind luck than anything else.
Man... a lot more luck was involved with this geocache than I had realized .
Anyway, having found the cache, I dropped in one of my abundant chainmail balls and signed up the logbook. Mission accomplished!
So thanks for giving me another reason to head back to the nearby hill. After replacing the cache, I worked my way back up to the top of the hill (albeit I had to get off and walk for the last half of the hill... legs were starting to get tired at this point) so that I could free-roll down the other side again . SO FUN!
I dunno... maybe I'm just easily amused .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)