CONGRATULATIONS TO CAPTAIN CHEATER FIRST TO FIND the original Cache for Christmas This cache is the new avatar for the original Cache for Christmas, whose time is up. The cache contains (aside from log book) a Winnipeg Police Button and a Canadian Grain Commission Pin. . |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
1/18/2009 by Kabuthunk
Second find of the day! Which is quite nice, given the previous disheartening attempt at the 'Rame! Rame!' cache. Since 1purplemonkeydishwasher1 was out for caching at Assinaboine Park today as well, we decided to group together for a bit and tackle some caches. This one was the next on his list, and given I had no particular order of caches to go after and hadn't found this one yet, I had no qualms with heading for it.
And thus, we set off. A bit of walking and chatting later, we slowly found our way to the coordinates. Or at least close to them. PMD had warned me during the walk that the area was highly visible to many a bystander from inside the restaurant. I crossed my fingers that it would be closed at this time on Sunday. No such luck . Hence, I decided to just be as discrete as possible. I checked a few spots at first (which ended up being about one (1) foot away from the cache when we eventually found it
), and then worked my way over a snowy hill to near the front of the restaurant. Don't mind me... just... stretching my arms, taking in the scenery and such. After "taking in the scenery" (aka: looking at the area for potential hiding spots), I followed my GPS, which finally decided to quit bouncing around and take me to approximately where we had started.
And then about 10 seconds later, I located the cache... kicking myself at not having found it earlier . Hurrah! A cache big enough to finally drop the TB and geocoin into that I've been holding onto since the Christmas geocaching party. I debated whether or not to drop both of 'em into here, but given I'd have them for half a month, and not being actually guaranteed to find another cache it'd fit into today, I just dropped 'em both in. In actuality, I ended up finding multiple other spots to put them in
. Oh well.
But yeah... having found the cache (and shown PMD my funky chainmail-covered geocaching pen), we signed the logbook and replaced it as found. A little bit of natural camouflage later (I'd wondering how this will remain here in summer, actually), and the cache was hidden as found .
Thanks for giving me a much-needed place to drop some trackables. And the scenery of the area is always worth coming back here . And hopefully, we didn't attract any undue attention from the patrons of the aformentioned restaurant.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, Chain of Life TB, Wagonman's Ontario Geocoin, and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)