Once again, another area without any caches. Should be a easy quick find. Once found, please make sure to conceal it as it was before. If you are caching in the winter, be careful not to give away the location with your foot prints! Congrats to Little Orphan Annie on the FTF! Happy Caching! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
6/7/2010 by Kabuthunk
Huh, whaddya know. I was completely unaware that there was a geocache hiding inside of Île-des-Chênes. Like the description says, this town's been cacheless for so long now, I never even think to bother turning on the GPS until I'm somewhere past it. I mean, that cache in Landmark caught me by surprise, and now Île-des-Chênes is finally following suite. Bout time, really . But seriously, if more towns got into the geocaching thing, they'd start to be more well known as a whole, and more people would visit them and whatnot. I mean Lorette has seen plenty of geocaches, and I'm certain that a fair number of people have gone out of their way to get them, thus visiting the town... perhaps having a thought in the back of their head to go back sometime. It's virtually free town publicity!
But anyway, I happened to have turned on my GPS after leaving my mom's place, and zoomed out tosee if any caches were on the way back to the city. To my surprise, this one indeed existed! For quite some time too, apparently. It was already about 9:20pm when I was in the car leaving Landmark, so the light levels were... iffy at best. But I figured... eh, let's go for it! It's not a micro, and it's a 1/1 difficulty... shouldn't put up that much of a fight. And thus, off I went, cutting down the back gravel roads to get into town faster. A scant few minutes later, and I was nearing the coordinates.
I was unaware that there was a park around here, and thankfully the parking lot was completely empty. In fact, the area was completely silent as well. Sweeeeet... no worrying about people spotting me going after the cache . Then again... small towns... I'd be surprised if more than a half-dozen people were up and about outside after 8:00
. Thus, I parked the car and hopped out. A quick walk over, and I began to near the coordinates. As I began my search, I heard a lawn mower start up towards the East side of the park area. And heard it get closer. CRAP! Gotta move quick. I was debating whether to just crouch and hide, but given it looks like the guy had just been taking a break when I walked in, and still had to do another strip of grass next to the trees... odds are I'd be spotted, and then just look a hundred times more conspicuous
. The mower got to the end of the strip of trees alongside the road there, and looped back again. SWEET! During this loop-around time, I took another quick look around and found the cache
. As I had it in my hand, the mower had looped around like... 4 trees down, and was heading back again!
Trying to look like I was just out for an evening stroll in the park, I slowly walked away from the area, cache hidden from his view. Just... sauntering around. He looped back away again, and this time kept going. I took this opportunity to sign up the logbook and drop in a chainmail ball. Didn't have time to go through the rest of the cache contents though, since the mower was heading my way again. After replacing the cache, I headed back to the road and sauntered past, giving a nod to the guy on the mower. He continued his thing, and I continued to the car with another cache find under my belt .
Thanks for finally getting a cache in Île-des-Chênes. It's been long overdue (unless there's been one in the past that's been archived or something... but this place still needed an active one), and I'm glad I had something to swing through town to get.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)