Note: Please do not bother with the drive through speaker or the menu board. The cache is not located on or around them. We both drive past (and often visit) this location on the way to and from work every day. The real difficulty of this cache is to retrieve it without being noticed and the cache being muggled. Hidden in a magnetic mini Tupperware container it should be obvious where to find it once you reach ground zero. As a Geocaching Addict you could win one of... Over 30,000 Opportunities for Bruised Knees while Caching 25,000 Burrs Removed from Various Pieces of Clothing 1,000 Booters 500 Pairs of Wet Socks and Mitts 40 Times (and everyone's favorite!) Being Slapped in the Face by Branches 20 Cases of the Poison Ivy Rash 1 Chance at the Satisfaction of being 2TF 1 Chance at the Glory of FTF (and a certificate e-mailed just for you!) There is no writing stick nor are there actual prizes or tradeables of any kind in this cache. If you want something from Tim Hortons go buy it yourself! Sheesh! Pick me up an Extra Large 2 Cream, 3 Sugar while you're there! Oh - and crackerjackie wants an Extra Large Steeped Tea Double Double! Happy Caching! Congratulations to JBrandt36 on FTF! |
5/31/2010 by Kabuthunk
On a side-note before the cache log... three sugar in your coffee tuppergurl? Bah... double-double all the way ! Never tried the tea there... heard it's supposed to be pretty good.
Anyway... this cache has been plaguing me for quite some time now. For the past... well... almost the entire time since it was placed, it's been sitting happily at the top of the "caches closest to Kabuthunk" list... only being temporarily dethroned by the 'Bring Back Polarbeardiggers' cache... which I found the day it came out anyway . Having seen it pop up in my email after it was placed, I knew it would be an area of great... conspicuity. Given most of the time I geocache is during the day, this would make finding this one particularly difficult.
Thus... I did a bit of research by way of visiting Tim's a number of times since the cache was placed (well... more often than I'd normally visit Tim's anyway). I didn't want to get out of the car and attempt to search for it until I was reasonably sure where the cache would be hidden.
Oh, and for the record... the hint went completely over my head, and I misunderstood it completely, only getting it after having found it .
Thus, several passes through the drive-through later, either with my wife or alone, and I still had no clue where the cache was. I had even attempted at one point to park on the street right beside there and see if I could wait out the line of cars, hoping to cache catch a few seconds where the drive-through was empty. Yyyyeah, let's just say that opportunity never came up. After about 15 minutes, I figured that I was starting to look a little strange, just sitting in a car and occasionally glancing at the people ordering. Especially with not one, but several cop cars parked in the parking lot. After beating a hasty retreat from that spot, I had learned... nothing.
But then came a breakthrough. When I was going after the 'Bring Back Polarbeardiggers' cache, I had met up with a pile of other geocachers at the location, one being JBrandt36. He gave me the tip I needed to go after this cache, and confirmed that my previous thoughts on the cache location were way off (I'm pretty sure my GPS was acting weird, since it was pointing nowhere near the cache when I had staked the place out for those 15 someodd minutes). Stocking that knowledge away, I began to wait for a suitable time to go after the cache. There was still the problem of the bystanders.
Thus, we come to today. Biking home from my in-laws' place, I found myself on the road (or sidewalk more accurately) at 10:30 at night. On a whim, I decided to pass by this cache and see what traffic was like. It'd be unlikely I'd be out in quick-getaway type transportation this late at night again, without making a specific trip after midnight or something for the cache. Heading up St. Mary's, I soon arrived at Tim's, and discovered... the place still open, but the drive-through completely empty!!!
With this bit of luck, I quickly stopped my bike at the edge of the fence, and began the hunt. I ended up finding nothing, but had only searched for about 20 seconds when vehicle lights began to approach. I backed off until they were gone, and returned... to find the cache ! Walking a bit down the street with it to avoid drawing more attention, I signed the logbook out of sight, and dropped in a titanium micromail ball. Somewhat because I had run out of regular micromail balls, but mainly because Tim Hortons is awesome
. Leaving the bike there, I walked back and quickly replaced the cache as found, immediately vacating the area again. One bike-trip later, and I was at home after a successful mission
YES! Finally glad to have this closest-to-home cache off the list . Too bad I was on bike though... I kinda want Tim's now
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and limited edition titanium micromail ball
3/23/2010 by Kabuthunk
After having dejectedly left a DNF, I decided I might hit up one other cache before calling it quits for the day. I parked on a nearby street and assessed the situation. Tons of cars... lots of people around... not looking good. Reading over the previous cache logs in my palm pilot, it pretty much dictated where the cache would have to be.
However, not particularly feeling up to the process I'd need to go through to get the cache, I figured I'd write this one off for another time. I may consider tackling it when the place is closed... or maybe just for when I want coffee... who knows. Figure that one out later .
In either case, leaving this one for the time being. Going to wait for at the bare minimum there to be significantly less people around. If that's even possible at a Tims .
Hints (Back)
Read the title of the cache. C'mon? Did you really need a hint? Roll up the rim to win.