This series takes you to the St Vital malls and shopping areas. Enjoy. Cache only contains a log sheet and FTF cert. You will need to bring your own pencil. Stealth is required.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
5/24/2010 by Kabuthunk
Number four of the day, taking me ever-so-slightly closer to hitting 600 (this being 598 to be exact). Seeing as I've already given the gist of the start of the day in my other PB cache log, let's just move on to this one. Having had quite the successful run of cache finds thus far today, I decided to keep pushing my luck. Not only in regards to the string of finds, but also the impending rain which was on the way (which ended up being about an hour and a half away anyway, but it felt like closer at the time).
Pedaling my bike as fast as my poor, tired legs could move them, I headed from St. Vital down the Bishop Grandin greenway over towards this cache. This cache seemed to not want to be found by me today though. It tried its damnedest, anyway. For starters, as I headed down the sidewalk past the Boston Pizza and soforth, I glanced at my GPS only to realize that I had gone too far! Hooking down some cement path right next to the fence, I zipped down the parking lot, slowing down a little ways in. Having previously found the PB #1 cache, I figured that there was a decent chance that this was hidden in a similar manner. However, upon rolling my bike up to the nearest candidate for such a hide, I was quick to discover that such a hide would be impossible at the current location. Don't get me wrong though... I can be stubborn, so I still searched it in vain. Yeah... no, nothing was about to cough up a cache at that spot.
So I check the GPS again. 11 meters away?!? Peculiar, thinks I. Moving back in the general direction of the coordinates (which by this point I've somewhat spiraled around and towards), I almost pass it AGAIN, still having the mindset of it being similar to the previous PB hide. Given the coordinates for the first PB were absolutely dead-on, I figured there's slim to nil chance that the coordinates for THIS one were far enough off to be way over there. Thus, I came to my senses and abandoned that mindset, resetting it to pretty much the only type of hide I've seen at this type of location. I was a bit intimidated though, I'm not going to lie. Given my arms have already taken a bit of a beating at an earlier cache, I wasn't looking forward to seeing more of the same sort of damage done to them
Thankfully however, fate decided to take pity on me. Possibly due to me having done my good deed for the day at my in-laws place, at which point... C'MON FATE! Like I'm going to put myself through shoveling sand for 4 hours every time I want to get an easy break
As I laid my bike down on the ground beside me, I turned my head and... bam, there it was. No fuss, no muss... just... right there. Well, I thought... this was surprisingly easy. I figured I'd be fighting with this one for a good 10 minutes or so. In the end (if you don't count me searching completely wrong areas 10 meters away), the cache was spotted an in hand within 10 seconds of having put my bike down
. With the hard(?) part of the cache done, I quickly opened it up and retrieved the logbook.
Awesome cache container, by the way. I love this type of container itself, and it is quite well hidden indeed. I just happened to stumble across it so quick by blind, stupid luck
One signing (I had to take up two lines unfortunately. No flat surface to write on = not being able to fit my name AND the date on one line) and a micromail ball later, and I quickly replaced the cache as found. In the entire time from when I entered the area until I left, not a single person was seen either going to their vehicles, or parking in the area. About as ideal a situation as you can get in the area
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Nearby Caches
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THE MISSING Link (0.26 kms NW)
GC1E6T9 Between a rock and a hard place (0.36 kms E)
GC1E6TQ JoJo's First Cache (0.48 kms SE)
GC1TX83 Nice Rack (0.51 kms SW)
GC202TR Count Floyd's Haunted Cache (0.66 kms NE)
ICU - 44 60KMH (0.71 kms SE)
InSeine River Cache (0.78 kms NE)
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Ouch that hurts