Des plants de pétunias, des paniers de bleuets sauvages, des piles de petits pois... Je place la cache en hiver en rêvant aux fleurs du printemps et aux légumes frais de l'été... Petunia seedlings, baskets of wild blueberries, piles of peas... I'm placing the cache in the winter, but I'm dreaming of spring flowers and the fresh produce of summertime... Félicitations à Jean Déniche qui a été Premier À Trouver! Congratulations to JBrandt36 and TXNCHK for being second and third to find. |
6/24/2011 by Kabuthunk
I think the 'needs maintenance' can be removed as an attribute on this cache... looked perfectly fine to me, anyway. Well, at least it did after I was done with it .
So as some may be aware, June 24th was the annual 'bike to work day'... which despite being about 11km from work, I took part in (oh, if only rent didn't skyrocket in the old apartment, I'd be like... 3km away). Biking of course makes for the very easy possibility of stopping for a geocache. Unfortunately, since I was running late in the morning I didn't get a chance to tackle any caches on the way to work, but on the way home, there was all the time in the world. Or at least until I got tired. I detoured to the Forks on my way home for the 'bike to work BBQ' and met up with my wife there. After a bit of relaxing and checking stuff out, I biked home, and at that point decided it was my time to geocache.
Most of the caches in the vicinity I've already found, but somehow this fella managed to slip past my radar (likely sometime during my 'lazy' periods ). However, with my GPS now trained on its coordinates, I headed over towards it. Right on the way home too, didn't have to detour at all! And as an added bonus, it happens to be right by one of my favourite stores! Not the plant place... the bike place just South of the cache
Pulling my bike over and leading it up against the hydro pole, I began to look around, trying to figure out where the cache could possibly be hiding. I didn't have my full caching kit with me, so I only had my GPS, an "inkless pen" on my keys, and a small supply of 'emergency signature items' also attached to my keys . My first few places to search ended up being completely wrong, but then my eyes stumbled across what to me would seem like the perfect hiding spot. The first of these spots I tried had nothing, but as I turned my head, I spotted what could be none other than the cache
. As I grabbed the container, it seemed... misshapen somehow.
Opening it up (the lid entirely came off), it looks like someone tried to cram a matchbox car type toy inside of here, which very clearly did not fit even slightly. Shaking my head, I decided it would be best if that was removed, and 'traded' this car for the only tradeable I really had with me... all the money I had on me... 70 cents. I'm pretty certain it was a trade-up regardless .
I was then able to re-attach the lid of the container properly, so that the hinges... hinged, and it actually stayed closed (I honestly have no clue how it stayed closed before I got there). After leaving the cache, I then 'traded' the car to a garbage can for an empty hand . It was kinda broken up anyway... looks like it got damaged I assume when the lid was being crammed closed onto it.
All that said and done, I thank you greatly for having placed a cache that I could snag on my way home, and it made me feel a little bit good inside to know I improved the condition of a cache container in my travels . Everything's now in good condition, and will hopefully stay that way
. The cache container's camouflage blends in quite well with the hiding spot, so I'm surprised it had ever gone missing to begin with. Then again, as with any cache, if someone happens to be looking at the right place at the right time and it catches their eye, you never know what they're going to do. In either case, it was a nice diversion to break up the bike ride home.
Took: Kinda broken matchbox car
Left: Properly closing cache container, 70 cents in two quarters and two dimes, emergency titanium micromail ball signature item, and logbook entry.
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