Note: The above co-ordinates are not for the cache, but for the first stage. The final cache is located at N49 45.8AC W97 9.2BC Henri Boux Park At the co-ordinates there is a plaque. On the plaque you'll find a 4 digit Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie number. C = The first digit subtract 1 B = The second digit subtract the third digit Nearby you'll spot a Louis Riel mural. A = Last digit of the year of the mural subtract the First digit You should now have all the co-ordinates and can find the cache. Beware the muggles. Please be careful to completely seal and not damage the container when re-hiding it. Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Blank, single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/22/2006 by Kabuthunk
Kinda surprised noone's found this guy for several months though (well, unless you count the maintenance visit and such). In either case, all contents are still bone dry and in good condition. I think the final coords were a little off. Either I mis-remembered one of the numbers when I put in the 'correct' ones yesterday (edit #1 and 2 of the DNF log below), or yeah... it was showing off by about 10 meters when I came across it.
In either case... I searched every square inch of those 10 meters before I came across the cache. Literally crawled into the center of a big, green, leafy bush to get a better look at what's in there. As you can assume... there was nothing in said bush . Scraggling myself out of it again, I wandered over a little bit, and saw a glimpse of camo-tape. A cache was found! Unfortunately, I've already read the 'bookcrossing' book that was there, otherwise I would have snagged it. Although, I REALLY wish I had some swag with me (other than my signature chainmail ball... that doesn't count in my eyes). There was all kinds of cool stuff in here. Well... that'll teach me to not come without goodies next time
Took: Nothing (unfortunately ).
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball (see profile).
9/21/2006 by Kabuthunk
Was unable to find this fella. Pretty sure I either read the instructions wrong. Found all of the plaques and mural, but in the instructions it's saying something along the lines of "Last digit of the year of the mural - First digit"... y'know, that's kinda confusing, and a little contradictory. Odds are it's something stupidly obvious, and it just flew straight over my head . I'll be back for this one soon enough. I don't like leaving DNF's unsolved for too long.
EDIT: And it would appear that yes, I am indeed an idiot, and it was something stupidly obvious that flew clean over my head. Shortly after posting this, the instructions were re-worded to make more sense. Probably go and tackle this sucker after work today, now that I'm good and determined . Thanks by the way for making the instructions a little clearer
EDIT 2: Double-drat! Plugging the new (and likely correct) coords into my GPS, it turns out that in my ever-widening circle of searching, I came about 10 feet from the cache! AUGH! If only I had widened my search just a LITTLE bit more. Ok, NOW I'm determined to get this fella .
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 12:40:56 PM.]
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)