The Banff Micro Cache is located right in the heart of Banff -- on Banff Avenue. |
It's going to be easy to find the general location of this cache -- but not the cache itself. It's a micro cache -- a small container held in place by Velcro. Be careful of geo-muggles. This is a busy area. Please carefully secure the cache back in its place.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
8/23/2009 by Kabuthunk
Hurrah! I wasn't anticipating being able to find any geocaches inside of the town (village? City? What IS that defined as?) itself. It appears there's a pretty thorough restriction on caches inside Banff National Park (as evidenced by the distinct lack of caches in any nearby trees or forests... or for most of the drive out there
), so I was pleasantly pleased to find that one was right here, waiting to be found
My brother PurpleMonkeyDishwasher, his girlfriend GirlWithNoName, my wife (not a geocacher
so much... but she DID help us for this set), and myself were driving out to Banff for some good food, hot-springs, and trouncing around under a waterfall (see my log for A rainbow in the Mist once I'm done logging it). We stayed at Fox Hotel for the night, and man did we bask in that hot tub/spring that they have there. However, prior to much soakinating in there, we went for a tour around town to do the "tourist" thing, since y'know... we'd never been here, and figured it was a requirement of some sort
By the way... what the heck is with the 3 million tourist shops that appear to be nigh-identical? I swear, this town has more stores for stuff with the word "banff" on it than any other tourist location having their name on stuff. And the gemstone/fossil type stores too (although those were a lot cooler to peruse through). Like... every third store was based on that. Again, kinda cool... but I ended up getting a long-sought-after trilobyte fossil at a non-gem store strangely enough
But... midway through the shopping, I turned on my GPS for the blind chance of seeing if a geocache was nearby. As it finds the satellites... what's this? It's like... 80 meters away
! So we take a minor detour across the road, and begin the hunt. With PMD, GWNN, and my wife acting as a cover of sorts, I was able to do a very quick scan of the location for what might be a geocache container. My initial hunt with hands-only turned up nothing, but it still only took about 15 seconds total before the cache was in-hand
. A quick signing later, and I dropped a signature micromail ball into the cache container. My first cache in Banff
Thanks for placing a cache in town for people. Made the day extra fun
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Nearby Caches
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GC1R0RD Bowness Park Eddies (94.89 kms E)
Hints (Back)
stay close to the phone