This is a 3-stage cache. Stage 1, Stage 2, Final Stage, ! The King set aside a treasure for his daughter and her offspring, and hid it. When the King died, his daughter became the Queen. She had married a Joker (who will always be a joker, not a King, because of some strange Kingdom rule). The Queen has decided to will the treasure to the faithful and adventurous in the land, called Geocachers. The treasure briefly was returned to the “Watery Underworld” but the treasure is again “safely” hidden away and is stocked and ready to find. |
10/13/2006 by Kabuthunk
Key #2 has now been dropped off in "One for the Blitz: YAPTC" cache (GCW447). GO, fellow questers, GO!
10/13/2006 by Kabuthunk
YES! And for my first cache past 100 (on the lucky day of Friday the 13th no less )... that being 101, what with numbers tending to go up sequentially and all... I decided to tackle the Quest II cache. Seeing as I found the key by absolute blind luck in a cache called 'Baseball' a few days ago, I figured I at least had to finish this cache as quickly as possible. Actually kinda surprised I had time to get this one today... only had about 40 minutes before having to leave for work when I arrived at King's Park. To say the least, there was a fair amount of jogging and/or running to get this cache completed in that time
. However, I didn't have time to replace the key elsewhere before work, so I'll do that either after work, or before work tomorrow.
So yeah... after parking and a quick run/jog, I got to Clue 1's general location. Had absolutely no clue what I was even looking for, but after about 5 minutes, I stumbled across a victorious first clue. I've gotta say... MAN but that's creative. I'm REALLY surprised I was able to find it . Knowing what I'm looking for with the two clues, I headed on over to Clue 2. Nearby to clue 2 I saw a chain looped around a tree, with a padlock locking it on... but the key opening was gummed up. This rather perplexed me, wondering if the final was supposed to be chained to the tree or something. To say the least, I quickly abandoned said chain and found Clue 2. Off I went again, to the final! I only had about 10-15 minutes before I had to leave at this point, so I had to kick it into high gear (since I wanted to leave room for hunting).
The burrs... THE BURRS! So... many... BURRS! Luckily, I think I'm getting better and stepping around them and getting as few as possible stuck to me. I've had who knows how many trillions stuck to me since I started geocaching, I'd BETTER start getting better . Nonetheless... a relatively quick find later, and the second key opened up me some cache! Took a quick picture with the disposable camera (hope it got me anyway... I was alone, and had to try to take a pic of myself). Hope it stands up to the cold well... it'd kinda suck if the onset of winter ruined the film. But... decided to snag the geocoin, since it's been there for over a month. If I wasn't supposed to take it or something, lemme know and I can put it back though. Traded a chainmail ball and an '' army man TB for it... so it's at least a trackable for a trackable, or something
Took: Geocoin
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball, geocachearmy soldier
Hints (Back)
Stage 1: Water Power Tree
Stage 2: Under the Path