Camoed container has FTF certificate, logbook, pencils, fish hooks, carabiner, assorted toys,etc. Enjoy the rock formations and wonder how they got into these positions. Sit on the nearby granite bench and relax, have a picnic on the rocks or hike the Cabin Lake trail nearby and find more caches! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/8/2007 by Kabuthunk
Second cache of the day with a massive pile of my family. Y'know... come to think of it, today was the first day we've all geocached together. The troupe consisted of five geocachers (although the others have been in a bit of a dry spell... but hopefully today's episode will get their geocaching blood running hot again ), and three non-geocachers (for now
). One would think that's strange, except that three of 'em live in Calgary, and I live in Winnipeg.
The reason we're all caching together at last is that this weekend was a big family camping trip out at Big Whiteshell. The group today consisted of myself, BlackCat Firecracker, WestStevo, GirlWithNoName, PurpleMonkeyDishwasher, my brother Greg, my fiancee Laura, and my niece Cailyn. I was quite amused by the 'parking lot' that we stopped the cars on before walking up to the cache. Just off the road close to the cache was a large, flat expanse of rock that was nigh-perfectly level with the road. It easily fit two cars, anyway. But yeah... parked the cars and walked on over. With 16 eyes, it shouldn't take long.
And it didn't. By the time the back of the pack had walked over to the coordinates, the first half of the pack had located the geocache container . Poking around inside the geocache container, we didn't particularily spot anything that anyone wanted to trade for. Well... my niece at first wanted to trade stuff, but I'm preeeeetty sure it was purely for the sake of trading. Given that she had no swag, she quickly abandoned the idea of wanting to trade for anything in there.
Strangely, there was a laminated picture of a girl sitting on the rock nearby. I didn't offhand see it tethered to anything to keep from blowing away, but I could be mistaken. In either case, I didn't look too closely, but I didn't see a note saying why it was there, or who's it was. It looked weathered pretty heavily, so it's GOTTA have some way of staying there. But yeah... we just thought it was kinda unusual.
Nonetheless... after the logbook was signed up for everyone (not sure, but I think GirlWithNoName might have signed for everyone this time around), I lobbed in a chainmail ball, and we packed up the geocache for another day. Back in it's place, we migrated on to the next cache.
Thanks for giving the family a chance to cache together, and for a nice scenic view .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)