Third Crossing Cache Gladstone, Manitoba
This cache is located in Williams Park in Gladstone, Manitoba. Camping is available along with a pool, playground, volleyball court, basketball court, horseshoe pit, baseball diamonds, curling rink and arena nearby.
Gladstone is the site of the third crossing of the White Mud River on the Pioneer Trail Fort Garry to Edmonton. The first settlement in 1871 was known as Palestine. It was incorporated as the Town of Gladstone in 1882. Gladstone is also the original west boundary of the Province of Manitoba. On July 15, 1870 Manitoba officially became a Canadian province. It then measured approximately 130 miles east to west and 110 miles north to south, with an area of 13,928 square miles. It’s size and shape gave it the nickname "the Postage Stamp Province." Boundaries were extended in 1881 and 1912. Camoed plastic container with log book, pencil, trinkets, and FTF |
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8/11/2007 by Kabuthunk
Well, I can honestly say that I didn't offhand expect to find this geocache anytime soon, what with it being quite a distance outside of Winnipeg. Perhaps on a random road-trip in a generally Westward direction, with some spare time kicking around to stop for a few geocaches... but no time soon.
This trip in a Westward direction however not only led me towards Gladstone... it kept me there for about 40 hours . Yay for having good friends who have family way out here (if the last name Palahicky rings a bell, I was kicking around there this weekend). Strange thing is... I had quite a bit in common with them growing up in a small town, and in fact had several mutually known people. But I digress.
In either case... a trip out of town? That equals Kabuthunk bringing his geocaching bag . Friday evening after work, an hour and change later, we arrive in Gladston. Given it was dark, and we spent the evening drinking, partying, and dancing... Friday was not the day to find a geocache.
Oh, did I mention? This was in the middle (well, closer to the tail-end... but the more entertaining portion) of the 125 year birthday celebration of Gladstone! When a town shuts down it's main (not only... but close ) intersection... you KNOW they mean partying.
Added note... wonder who we were or if you saw me? If you saw a scrawny white guy hanging out with two girls... one of 'em being black (which appears to be fairly rare there. Not unknown... but rare)... that scrawny white kid was me .
But anyhoo... during said 125 year celebration on Saturday afternoon... right after the parade (which was awesome by the way... check the attached pics... mainly just but the more interesting ones), I kinda wandered away from my fiancee and our friend towards a geocache seemingly in the middle of a park. But what's this? During arguably the most busy time in Gladstone's HISTORY (the people I was staying with said they've never seen it this busy during any of the other celebrations), Kabuthunk finds time to geocache? Thaaat's right. Since everyone was either wandering home right after the parade for lunch, or going to the fairgrounds for... whatever it is that was going on there (didn't go to that part)... noone was in this particular park. I'm talkin' like... dead empty. Noone on the playground even!
So Kabuthunk goes in for the find... and comes out with a familiar-looking container! Victory! Nice hiding spot too. A few minutes of writing, chainmail-balling, and replacing later, and I was back with the others. Yay for geocaching on the busiest time of the year here!
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
P.S.: Oh... and several of the people I was staying with were very interesting to hear more about geocaching (and the one that knew about it beforehand was extremely surprised to learn that some were even IN Gladstone), so I showed 'em this one on Sunday. So if it suddenly goes missing... I can point you to the people who know where it is . The kids that were there (I impressed on them that it's trade only, and no taking it, etc, etc) did some trading. Didn't see specifically, but I'm pretty sure the sewing kit thing and my chainmail ball was removed and some money put in (unsure of amount). Trust me though... a chainmail ball WAS in there
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