Located by a park that holds the remains of an old post office.No
need to approach the river. |
Cache is a small cammo'd container.Should be an easy find.But watch
for muggles.Ensure cache is well hidden before leaving.Cache
contains the usual trade trinkets.Also has a first to find
certificate. Thanks to the polarbeardiggers for the cache container
and starter kit.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
11/12/2006 by Kabuthunk
Wow, looks like this cache had a fair amount of activity recently, judging by the logs. Those pillars for the original post office are awesome. Was anyone else nigh-overwhelmed with the urge to climb them?
Then again... climbing what appears to be a monument of some sort is most likely frowned upon these days
So... urge to climb aside... I continued past the pillars towards the cache. Never knew there was a ton of bike trails over here. Mental note for spring/summer. Some parts of it look almost monkey-trail-at-assinaboine-park worthy. Coincidentally... one person was indeed biking past while I was sitting down, writing my log. Man... it may have been a beautiful day for mid-November... but I don't think it was 'let's go for a bikeride' weather either
Nonetheless... fun cache. Looks like it could stand to be a little bit better covered, but all that was currently covering it, and around to cover it, was leaves, and some small twigs. Hence... I did the best I could with what I had available
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Hints (Back)
at base of tree,well covered