This is my first cashe treasure hide, supervised by my father Tedd, while " Princess " stayed in the car. |
I have trade gizmo's donated by my father,he tells me it has a log book and pencils,with a first founders paper,My father helped with the hiding,I can only hope I did the readings justice.Hidden near a place I jog quite frequent.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
5/21/2007 by Kabuthunk
Cache that hasn't been found since April... multiple DNF's since then. Do I feel lucky? Yes... yes I do
. It was going to be the last cache I'd go after today, and felt pretty good about my hunting abilities as of today.
I'm glad that I decided to go after it
So I wander into the area with my bike (WOOH! I love these boggy type of cache areas
. I grew up in the country... these types of places are cool to me
). After carefully stepping and riding my way around the many, MANY mini-ponds of water (or stagnent pools, anyway), I got to the coordinates. Putting my bike down, I started scouring around. Having checked the previous logs (basically, to see why the others DNF'd it... mainly to see if they found any cache remnants after it was destroyed or some such), one of them mentioned that they found a suitable cache location, but found nothing inside of it. I believe I found the location that they had spoken of... and as well found nothing. Even poking around with my biking-gloved hands just got me wet fingers
So, I quickly spread out my search to within about 15 or so meters of the coordinates. After much poking, prodding, and getting my hands wet, I came up empty handed (well, unless you count a lot of mud and rotting wood
). Wandering back to my bike parked at the coordinates, I pulled out my palm pilot again to see if I had missed anything in the previous logs. As I was turning it on... I glanced to the side.
"Is that plastic I see?"
Lobbing the palm pilot back into my bag, I grabbed at the cache. Ahh... another victory, another near-dinifra averted
. EXCELLENT hiding spot by the way! EXTREMELY well hidden. The difficulty level is definitely not lying with this one
. Loved the location, loved the hide... and that funky wooden log/bench just off the path past the bridge was rather amusing to me (not exactly a romantic location. Well... to me it might be, but I highly doubt my fiancee would be up for relaxing in there
). Thanks for taking me down this path
And probably for the best I found it now. There were a fair number of mosquitoes in the area... and given the standing water, I get the feeling that's going to be going up exponentially daily for quite some time
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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Hints (Back)
My cashe is a clear lock and lock container.