The pirates of Smartpark have come off the "lake" and need your help in deciphering their map to find their "cache" of treasure. The co-ordinates lead to the lake and X marks the spot. Please be aware of parking restrictions. You can walk the area and find the cache or expedite the process with a vehicle. If ye be needing hints, they are available, but an oath to the pirate code must be sworn. Logging Etiquette: Geocache hiders sometimes go through a great deal of planning to place their caches. As a result, they'd like to hear your feedback on whether you liked or disliked any aspect of the hide, or if you feel that some cache maintenance is required. Blank, single word, acronym, or emoticon logs may be easier when you have a lot of caches to log, but it doesn't tell the hider or other finders anything about your adventure (or lack thereof) in finding the cache. Please keep this in mind when entering your log. |
4/19/2007 by Kabuthunk
Decided to bike to a geocache today. However, due to mass biking in the past few days, I didn't particularily want to go too far . This cache was the closest to me... so I figured I'd go for it. I was somewhat debating if I had the skill needed to find this one, as the map is... somewhat vague.
Also... I lacked a working printer. Thusly, a pen and paper worked well enough, making a vague recreation of the map. It worked enough . After biking over to the U of M, I located ground zero and checked the map. However, I was lucky. Just before I reached ground zero, I reached a mental breakthrough with the polar bears on the map. Y'see, it really threw me off, since when I went to university, that particular location housed birds instead
A little bit of wandering later, and I was at the cache location. Took me a bit to locate the correct spot though. Was contemplating walking a grid pattern, but then spotted the cache. VICTORY IS MINE!
And as added 'something to look at while you're here'... see attached pic . Note: That is NOT the X in the description. The X mentioned there is the one on the paper, and is not located at the actual site
. My 'something to look at' is NOT located near the cache. It's moreso close to the entrance to the area as a whole. Enjoy
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball, and blair witch stick figure .
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