This is a low to the ground cache, please bring your own PENCIL Pen will not work on this paper. No climbing or lifting involved it is a hidding in plain site cache. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
4/26/2007 by Kabuthunk
Wow. Y'know, the fact that damn near every log for this cache indicates that they 'phoned a friend'... I can definitely see it as being justified. I however did not require the 'phone a friend'.
I used email instead .
But yes... my first time through the area, I had indeed scanned the area as a whole, as stated, poking and prodding every square inch. However, since my GPS's accuracy dropped being that close to the walls, I appeared to have been a tad off. However... after receiving the email-a-friend option, I was able to correct myself.
Y'know what the annoying part is? The particular hiding style of this cache... I had actually been looking for this style of hide amongst my looking... but was just not looking in the correct location.
So this time around, I had brought out my friend and my fiancee with me (lured there with promises of ice-cream ). So... after I had completed the consumption process of said creamed ice, I set out to look. However, the email-a-friend option had actually steered me in the opposite direction somewhat due to a typo... but they had given me an idea of what to look for. It turns out... that was enough
For the record... both my fiancee and my friend were both amazed at the location idea for the cache. Excellent work . As well for the record... this cache is officially the only cache that required having a nanomail ball placed inside of it (as opposed to a regular chainmail or micromail ball).
Although Devisor, you may want to look into swapping out the log sheet. There's only two more spaces that it's capable of being signed on, so yeah... two more finders before it's completely full.
But thanks again for the adventure, and added excuse to go and get ice-cream .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball
4/24/2007 by Kabuthunk
Wooh...this one put a dent in my time . Upon first arriving, I searched for about 10 minutes... but then people started to show up and... y'know... eat ice-cream and such. During said 10 minutes however, I checked Cachemate on my palm and checked the description. Not even the last few logs or description could come close to helping me (although, it seems to only keep the last 5 logs there... wish I could get it to keep more). Hence, I felt that to fit in, I should go about obtaining some of this aformentioned creamed ice so that I can continue of sorts.
Unfortunately... it appears said creamed ice supplier is cache... uhh... cash-only . A quick bike down to the hospital down the street (where they said the closest bank machine was), and I had me a hot caramel sundae
. Luckly, many of the previous ice-cream eaters had left, leaving me to poke and prod as much as I wanted. Although, due to being between buildings, the GPS kept bouncing around, so there was a lot I needed to poke and prod. It kept trying to point me towards one place though, so I must have jabbed, pulled, prodded, and poked every square inch of that area, finding nothing.
Fear not... I will be back, both for the ice-cream (note: I've been here around halloween... and their pumpkin-flavoured ice-cream is AWESOME), and for the cache. You have not heard the last of me .
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)