Tales of friendship and adventure with my little fly friends Page 2!
Continued tales of my little fly friends! I grew up around them, and still do. They're wonderful little creatures, and clean, probably cleaner than a cat! Just friendly little friends who can get to know you, learn your area and your ways, and care about you
So anyways, more fly stories! Written chronologically from earliest to latest. Also, details of my spiritual fly Familiars here.
November 27, 2023
So these little guys have taken to me! When out and about, probably at least assisted by my spiritual connection to fly spirituality, these little flies (at least in winter when the regular flies are asleep for the season) have taken to me! I'm sitting there, chilling with a coffee and a sandwich with Abby and friends, and this little guy comes up, hangs around me, chills with me, and checks out my cup. I make sure they don't get too deep into the cup and get stuck, but they come and chill with me, hang around on my sandwich wrapper, hang around on my tea or coffee cup, and I chat with them, talk to them, and generally make them feel comfortable and happy around me. Lil mini fly friends
January 21, 2024
One other memory that came to mind... the fly that liked sugar.
So this was at my friends place in around August 2022, my eight or so flies were about the house, and I was just walking into the kitchen for some food.
What do I see inside the sugar bowl, but this little fly just going mad on a sugar crystal. Like picking up his head and ramming his little proboscis into it as hard as he could kinda thing. He powers onto that sugar crystal three or four times while I'm standing there watching in amused delight, when suddenly he stops, and just stares at me for a few seconds, like he just realized I was there and is seeing if it's alright to continue. I just keep standing there, and after that short pause of staring at me, realizing it's okay, he launches into the sugar crystal again with renewed vigour, his attack seeming like a powered up charge for a quarter second before diving back onto it over and over again.
We never ever actually saw flies on the sugar, like ever, so this was amusing to me. I guess because there's no real nutritional content in there that they didn't bother, but this one, he found it, he liked it, and when I came back later he wasn't there anywhere, so he clearly got his fill of this incredibly sweet thing, and moved on to more nutritious foods lol.
<Possibly one of these lil friends >
February 1, 2024
D'awww, my friend Kari from Winnipeg sent me some pictures that she'd found on her phone, of one of my fly friends sitting in my tea cup
March 5, 2024
So, the Facebook group for Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends was having their annual charity battle to raise money for various conservation efforts, and towards the end the Entomol•OGs team was created, and Alicia Rezendes posted on Facebook that for every donation of $10 or more made to this team, she would draw a caricature of you as any insect of your choice. Naturally, I had to donate at this time. And lo, Kabutroid was drawn as a housefly, and it was good.
March 14, 2024
Oh my goodness, so the first housefly of the year showed up, in our new room! And if there was ever a sign, she showed up on the day when I planned to put in all of my housefly earrings!!!
Oh yes, we have housefly earrings! A bit of a tale for you! So I first ordered these from Etsy, two pairs of them in case I lost one and I'd be devastated if I didn't have a pair, but only one pair showed up! So I messaged the seller, but at the same time we were just moving to a new place, so I ordered another pair to the new address, and they sent two pairs in that one! So I ended up with three pairs total (the seller was good about it), so here I am with six housefly earrings, and wouldn't you know it, I have six piercings! So we know what must be done! So after the move, and finally digging out the original pair after the replacement pair(s) arrived, and our little housefly friend showed up right on the day I was planning on wearing them all! I had originally debated whether to add the bellybutton piercing, but I mean... I still had one earring left, I had to try lol.
And so, our little housefly friend watched me putting in all of the housefly earrings, I danced with our fine flying friend, we blessed the world with love and kindness, and the lil girl is asleep on the ceiling as I type this late at night
May 3, 2024
Oh my goodness, we have an adorable little story about my Fly Familar, posted in the Familiars page. Go check it out
May 13, 2024
Just a friendly housefly
So this housefly comes into our room last night, and is all floating about, and even lands on me once or twice! It didn't give off Familiar vibes specifically, but I suspect it was either the same fly as last time, or just another one that felt a friendly aura and came to say hi. She floated around the room, every 10 minutes or so zipping in front of my eyeline to make sure I'd see her. Even past midnight, she was still flying around, regardless of the natural time outside.
In the morning, greatly reminding me of my old fly in The Pas, right after sitting up and stretching, she goes and flies past my face again, making herself known and literally bouncing about happily in the room. The window is wide open, she can leave at any time, but she chose to stay in the room with us, and continued to occasionally fly past (with me waving with my finger and talking to her every time) while getting ready for work. I went downstairs to step outside and record my song-a-day, and I would swear it was the same one, this lil housefly came up and landed on this curtain right beside the backyard patio door. It nodded (or rather bobbed it's body) at me when I talked to her, it must have been the same one, following me downstairs to the patio.
Such an adorable lil friend, she often landed beside me if not on me, just sitting there for a minute or crawling around the immediate area around her looking around, before happily flying off to perch wherever else in the room.
May 20, 2024
Awww, lil fly friend. I've been feeling very ill for the past few days, and I'd opened the window wide a bit earlier, and then this lil friend comes and flies directly between my face and the cellphone I was watching, just fully make sure I see him. He's dancing around the room nearby now
And then a second one came up a lil bit later and flew around my head a bit. Don't worry lil friends, I'll get better soon
And then later on in the evening, from 7-8pm, they started to tell me that they were going to be leaving for the night soon. They would fly in front of my face (or perhaps just one of them but doing this more than once), get my attention, and then fly to the window, letting me know that that's where they're going now. Awww, thank you for letting me know that you're heading out little friends
There ended up being three of them during the day. After the two of them let me know they were going, one of them stayed to keep an eye on the room overnight. Even cuter, when I'd stepped out of the room, I came back in to him sitting on the headboard near my pillow waiting for me . The third photo is just of him chilling at one of the places he sat in the room here and there, I didn't have my phone with me when I'd stepped out of the room and came back, but it was so cute seeing him there, like awww, lil friend is waiting for me
And one more bit of cuteness was to follow, either the one that stayed overnight or another one, showed up and greeted me for a few minutes after we awoke in the early afternoon, even alighting on my hand for a moment shortly after I sat up
June 4, 2024
Awwwww, I'm not sure, but I think this is the same housefly that's been visiting us/guarding the swarm's territory for several days now. He's around most of the day, and often right after we wake up, will come and fly around nearby, make sure he's seen, and then proceed to land on various surfaces near us, and now directly on us to lap up our salts or explore quite often.
He started with just landing on the computer or bed near us, or lightly tapping off of our forehead or arm before immediately lifting off again, and has grown to trust us enough to land on our legs or feet for a fair length of time, or if we're laying there and relaxing and/or are half asleep, will land on our arms or hand and adventure around a little. D'awwww, lil friend, yeah you eat up some of our salt that you need, that's alright lil guy
June 9, 2024
And he's still sticking around every day, with a friend now too! I think we've finally achieved/gained the trust of the local fly swarm that they consider our room as part of their swarm's territory
<note: Abby isn't as into the flies as I am, so let's consider her that first emoji smiling at me from the side >
June 16, 2024
The flies outside in the parks are befriending me easily too. This one felt like it had a connection to my fly Familiar spirituality. I'd walked up to a pond to do a song-a-day, and this lil (actually rather large) fly came up and landed barely two feet from me, looking right at me before shuffling around in that area. I chatted with him for around ten minutes before eventually doing my song, talked a little bit more, and then finally left the pond when he flew off as well. It's nice to connect to the wild(er) flies as well
June 19, 2024
Awwwww. I don't want to take a photo, but the one fly that's been with us for weeks has passed from old age. Although, as I was mourning him, and eventually rested him on the table for the night, another fly showed up on my pillow as I went back to the bed. I think while like I said, that first fly was watching this part of the swarm's territory, another fly came to take his place at the end. So I'm sad, and am mourning our fly, but the place is still being watched over by the swarm
<I miss that little guy. I'm going to have to get to know the new swarm watcher. This is the cycle of mourning and joy that a swarmkeeper must go through >
June 20, 2024
Our new swarmwatcher. She has landed on me a dozen times already (this one feels like a she), and is hanging out here and there in the room all day
June 21, 2024
Oh my goodness, our new swarmwatcher is getting almost as comfy with us as my previous fly friend from The Pas. She has no qualms with landing on us (mainly me, Abby is not quite as fond of their tickly feet as I am lol), and wakes up with me and will fly past and around as I'm waking up, and even crawls on my face like my The Pas fly friend! On occasion as well, a second or a third fly will come in and hang out for a while, but it's still just the one that watches the territory in the room overnight
June 30, 2024
Awwww, yep. I have a connection to the fly swarms either Spiritually or otherwise, like I did back in Canada. In the room, the old flies teach the new ones, so we always have at least one swarmwatcher in the room, mostly speaking (the rare day they leave me to watch the territory lol), and the flies outside are comfortable around me too. Not one second after I sit down at a bus stop, than several flies go and land right beside me and chill, even looking at me. Others buzz right close to my legs or head, they know me, or feel me. I am part of the swarms in England
July 1, 2024
Yes, I did tell them that if they have kids, they have to go outside lol
On a related note, as of July 6th, nobody is carrying larvae in the room, so if anyone did, they went outside to lay them already.
August 14, 2024
It can't be seen in this photo (since they would have to be focusing on the camera lens), but you can tell when they're making eye contact. Their compound eyes take on a reddish hue when they're focusing on you
August 14, 2024
A bit of a tale from the past, that I'm surprised somehow didn't make it onto this page, of a caterpillar that took a liking to me back in The Pas. This is the (extra) song-a-day from August 31, 2021 (YouTube link), where this caterpillar that I sat beside for a while just started booking it towards me after a while of talking to it, literally looked up at me halfway to me to make sure it's safe, I reassured it, and it booked it straight to my leg, climbed up onto me, and then proceeded to crawl all over me, I did the song, and it continued to crawl over me for a bit before eventually making his/her way back down to the ground again. I could tell we were both sad and disappointed that our little friend adventure had to come to an end, but they had places to be and so did I, but I'm sure that's a memory that stuck around in that little friend's head for quite a while, not to mention my own
August 29, 2024
D'awwwwww, if I ever had any worries, they still remember me after being gone for several days of work. After the work week, I open the blinds on our days off (though they have found their way in with the blinds closed, I have colourful Tibetan prayer flags and a unique curtain arrangement recognizable from outside), and minutes later, this lil friend flies in, comes up and lands directly on my head for a few minutes, I talk to him for a bit, and then be proceeded to fly happy little circles around the room here and there before coming up and landing on me several more times again
And last time they showed up there was two of them around, so they're still teaching the new flies that this room is good, as is the way of the swarm lol. Gotta teach the new flies where their territory is, and introduce them to the giant 100 story creatures that are friendly with them
D'AWWWWWWW, and 5 minutes later, I'm reminded that when one of us leaves the room for a few minutes, one of the flies (there's two in here now) will come and circle around where we were sitting, and then sit and wait for us where we were sitting for a little bit, like awwwwww, they're all 'where'd they go' and sit and wait for us, like a cat
October 8, 2024
Yep, they're still hanging out with us and dancing with me
October 23, 2024
I do love houseflies. Imagine befriending something 10000 times your size and feeling safe and friendly around them
October 25, 2024
I may as well post these as well, just because. On my cellphone wallpaper, that randomly changes between a pile of photos, there's a handful of fly-related images hiding in there, so figured I'd post them. Thank you to Lensa Wawo for the awesome fly closeup pics! Also thanks to Lea Bradovich for the Come Hither Queen Bee painting. The other one is a fly on my hand ^_^
December 17, 2024
Lil fly friend! So while fly season may be asleep for the winter, there's still a handful of our little friends at the workplace. And this lil friend comes up to me, kinda hovers nearby for a moment, and the moment I give them an indication that it's alright (gently hold still nearby, send out good vibes y'know), they land right on my stuff and then crawl up onto my finger. Awwww, they still know I'm friend here too
February 20, 2025
First fly friend of the new room! Spring is approaching, and in our kitchen, a lil fly friend was crawling around nearby! I immediately greeted them, and danced with them. It took them a bit to realise that I was being friend, but soon they started landing nearby, and landing in places to watch me wave at them with my finger, and danced with them as they flew. A little bit, they came and danced back with me too, still getting used to the giant creature being friendly towards them. My first fly friend at the new place
<no pic, I was cooking dinner and washing dishes, but my adorable friend hung around and watched the activities >
February 21, 2025
D'awwwww, and the very next day, our very first fly friend into our room! This little friend showed themselves to me landing on our bed, and proceeded to look around, watch the room from the wall above the shelving, and eventually even share my coffee and land on me!! I'm glad that something told me to open the window a little bit more in our room, because our little fly friends certainly didn't wait long before visiting
February 22, 2025
And on the 22nd, he was still floating around, and regularly landing on my skin (they have to be quite comfortable to do that), crawling around, and making themselves known by deliberately flying past my vision. And there's two of them now (as there usually is to watch over a piece of territory). I first noticed their comfort in landing my skin when, unbeknownst to me, a little strip of my leg was visible between my sock and jeans, and while just sitting back watching telly, I felt them tickling at that one spot. I quickly removed the socks to give him more space to wander around (he sat near and watched me as I removed the socks), and took to landing more often. And just like back in Canada, shortly after waking up, he was already landing on me and flying through my vision, like a cat greeting me in the morning
And he currently sits beside me, about a foot and a half away, just being a part
- (the other is above our shelving unit, somewhat closer to the window, the presently usual "second fly" spot)
And while I'm thinking about the subject, after having gone to get coffee and such, another anecdote about how smart houseflies can be. So I have never, *never* had a housefly follow me out of the room, to get locked or stuck in the hallway after closing the door. Not once. And back in The Pas, I specifically scoured for that, when the hallways were especially cold, looking back when I was stepping out, looking in all directions in the hallway, closing the door carefully in case one tried to zip through the door frame just as it was closing, not a *single* one. And it's not like they're not following me, one in particular loved to follow me around the room, landing on my back or generally stay near to me. But when I was stepping out for work or whatever, not even once did they get lost in the hallway, they were always waiting for me on my return, usually at or close to my usual sitting spot. Like a cat
They may be very simple, but they know that when the giant moving wall closes, that if they're on one side of it or the other, that they will be stuck there. And they know that my side is safety, so they stay on that side, even when I leave, I'm not sure how, but they know that even if I'm going into the hallway, they know not to follow me out to there. Maybe watching me leave, or putting on shoes and a jacket tips them off, or, generally just being outside, know that those things indicate an outside person. And they can easily leave any time they want, the window is open, but they've never found themselves trapped in the hallway where closed doors will be at all sides (though I imagine they would fairly quickly find the gap under the door). But nonetheless, not a once have I had to deal with one of our housefly friends being stuck in a hallway, trying to usher them back into the room before leaving, not once! They know things, our flying friends
<Smart little creatures they are>