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His kingdom for some bug spray

Looking back, I really wish I'd done it better when Ridley was in front of the sign. It looked good then, but not so much now...

Whatcha doing, boss?
Nothing, go away.
Oh, come on... Tell me.
I'm building a rocket. Leave me alone.
But I wanna see the rocket NOW!
I said buzz off!! ...?!
Oh, okay... I'll show you something neat.

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and related characters are all property of Nintendo. Hiroshi, Sage, and all other original characters are my own creations, so ask politely if you want to use them. This comic was created soley by me, using only MSPaint; occasional editing help from Kabutroid using whatever she uses. The html was based off of Kabutroid's HTML and my own knowledge.