Tattoos and home searching

A whole slew of updates. Whew, let's see how well I can get through this. First up, thank you so much to my Patrons BrotherFlounder, Wei-Hwa Huang, DaBoaringDragon, Suvarestin, and mathphysicsnerd for continuing to support me through May and June. Apologies for the decreased number of updates to Patreon, but they will increase again in August when dragonmaking continues.

Speaking of, the dragonmaking is on hold while my meow tattoo heals. i have to avoid stretching the fingers with pliers or excessive use for eight to nine weeks, so livestream is consisting of mainly throat singing and bantering with the chatters. There will definitely be more tattoos in the future, so keep an eye out for updates.

Legal name change! As said in the comic, my name will be legally changed to KatieLynne as soon as possible. I currently find myself between homes though, staying in the basement of a friend. I'm pursuing as many avenues of finding a home as possible, so wish me luck. Patience and persistence will be my best friends through this.

And yeah, that about covers the brunt of the major updates lately. I've been kept busy looking for new places, livestreaming, and generally trying to put my life back together. I've had a lot of realisations over the past while, and know what direction my life is meant to travel. Just need to get through the rough parts at the same time as nurturing the rest.

Kabutroid / KatieLynne Harder

Lots of updates and not many at the same time, seems to work that way a lot. Some good news first, I HAVE A NEW TATTOO! A meow now graces my right fingers!
I add any new tattoos and piercings to Kabutroid's sprite, and details are on Zebeth. Lots more to cover though. I'm no longer seeing QuelynBlay, chainmaille is on hold to let the meow heal, I'm between places to live, and I throat sing.
Throat singing! It had taken a back seat to the chainmaille dragons, but with that on hold, my livestream features my singing, and I plan to push this heavily. KatieLynne the throat singer, started out in the prairies, then began livestreaming her music online.
And yeah, I'm between places right now looking for a home. A lot has happened in the past few weeks, I'm staying in a friend's basement, calling around, doing all that I can online and off to get a roof over my head. Give me time, I'll get back on my feet.
And one more big piece of news, another legal name change is just down the road! My previous name was a borrow name for lack of a better way of putting it. KatieLynne has significantly more meaning to myself and others, and will be changed when possible.

Most sprites are property of Nintendo, who are awesome and and amazing and stuff, and also this is a parody and also it's free and stuff.
Comics, ideas, Kabutroid, and other custom content owned by KatieLynne Jackson. I'm pretty easygoing, and really don't mind all that much if you make content based on my content and stuff. Just don't go impersonating me and we're cool.