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Stalling the storyline

It's an unwritten rule in every comic strip's existance that the moment they get to a massive plot-point... you stall it as long as excruciatingly possible >:}

Meanwhile in Samus' inner mind...
Ok... preparing myself... if I reappear stuck alone with Kraid... deep breaths... think about what to do before snapping... *breathe in*... *breathe out*... *breathe in*...
... and Kraid's...
Ok... preparing self... if I reappear stuck alone with Samus... deep breaths... think RATIONALLY about what to do before acting on impulse... *breathe in*...
... And Ridley's...
Money, booze, and deep-fried goodness. Yep... life is good. And it damn well better stay that way wherever the hell I'm going...
... and the boxed Dessgeega.
Aheh... heh... hehehehe... hehehehe... ahahahaha... Ahaha... Ahahaha... ha... aha... AHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Metroid, Samus, Kraid, and the rest of 'em are all property of Nintendo, who to my knowledge wouldn't do anything such as sue me or shut poor Planet Zebeth down, because they're so damn nice, and Metroid kicks ass : }
This particular comic strip was made solely by me, by that happy little program known as MSPaint. Yes, the one that everyone runs in fear from. That's why the comic looks the way it does.