This cache my be challenging or my not. The container is small and please be careful, no lifting, or anything else that may cause undue attention. This is an active area even late night. Do not draw attention to yourself. Congrats to Lizardo being FTF |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
8/9/2007 by Kabuthunk
Victory is ours! At long last, the Corydon Moe has gone down. It took a bit of a group effort though. Myself, ertyu, and MHz gathered together to take a group swing at this one. It was quite spur-of-the-moment too. So there I was in the #mbga chatroom, and the discussion in general turned to Moe caches. The three of us hadn't found the cache before, so several quick minutes of planning later and we were out the door. I swung over to pick up ertyu and MHz drove up on her own. Strangely, being in completely different areas of the city, we arrived at the cache at almost the exact same time. Well... except that ertyu and me got a parking spot fairly easily. MHz had to drive around for a bit before finding one .
But... arrive we did. Unfortunately, there was a decent number of people sitting around on all of the nearby benches. This made things a tad more difficult. So we did likewise... sat around and chatted. Sure, in the meantime we may have been looking around here and there, seeing what we could spot. Maybe stretch our legs a bit by wandering this way and that. Just... casually perusing.
As more people started to leave, we started to get a bit more... thorough with our searching. Poking around here, prodding there, maybe walking back and forth a little bit further than previously. The fact that the cement wall seemed to keep killing our satellite signal didn't help however. Mine kept on pulling me in the correct direction though. When enough of the people disappeared for the evening (minus two old guys, but they were barely paying us any attention), MHz spotted the cache from a distance, while I happened to be looking very close to it. With a little bit of teamwork, we managed to obtain the cache and get some logbook action happening. And a chainmail ball . Once we figured out how to get the cache, putting it back was about as simple (except for some problems in putting the container back together. Man, that thing's almost a puzzle in itself). Mission accomplished
. Thanks for the entertaining cache. I don't get a chance to go caching with others that often, and glad I got to partake in this one.
Took: Folding pocketknife ertyu found in the dirt
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
EDIT: Oh hey... I almost forgot... there was another person looking around kinda suspiciously and continuously glancing at us every so often. We all suspected it was another geocacher. If this was the case... you don't have to be afraid of us... we're quite friendly. I even tried to make it obvious that I was looking at my GPS so that you'd realize that we were geocachers as well. Evidently, you either didn't notice, or were too shy/afraid/something else to confront us. Oh well... if you were indeed a geocacher... hope you join us next time .
[This entry was edited by Kabuthunk on Thursday, August 09, 2007 at 9:31:24 PM.]
7/14/2007 by Kabuthunk
Unfortunately I was unable to come away with a find for this one. There was very few people around, and there was three of us looking for it (myself, and two mostly non-geocaching friends), but alas... we had to walk away empty-handed. Had I however been with several other true-geocaching people, I may have been able to check several other less-accessible places that the others didn't want to bother looking .
I will have to return sometime. I have a sneaking suspicion as to where it is... but going after said spot was voted out. Although... I may attempt to verify my suspicion before going after it again, just to make sure that if I'm going to do something arguably incredibly stupid, I at least have a relatively good chance of finding a geocache at the end of it .
I shall be back for this one... that I vow .
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)