A larger Lock & Lock, suitable for travel bugs. While I've verified the co-ordinates, the signal seems quite poor here, maybe owing to the nearby billboard... If you're having problems, try moving closer to Pembina. ![]() |
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10/30/2006 by Kabuthunk
Hooray! And after about five or so minutes of poking around and contemplating, another DNF has been rectified. Decided to attempt to clear up some of my DNF's before work today, and this seemed like a good place to start. A quick park somewhere close to Campaign Outfitters, and off I went. The snow started to come down pretty good though when I went after this, so it was a little chilly. Luckly, it wasn't really windy, so that kept the cold somewhat away. Got into the general area... found that the coords led me to the exact same place as last time... pretty much right at the recliner cushion .
Going off grnbrg's 'hint' in the earlier notes, I wandered to various likely spots to find the cache. The problem was that I was using the "Winter available" stat too liberally, and was... shall we say... vertically incorrect in my initial huntings. Glancing to the side after a bit, I saw something that made me thing "Huh. A decently sized lock n' lock as described in the cache description might fit there." Sure enough, two seconds later I came out victorious.
Also figured that since the cache description lists this as being suitable for travelbugs, I figured that River Rider Rob TB that I grabbed the other day could find a new temporary home in here .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry, chainmail ball, and River Rider Rob TB
10/22/2006 by Kabuthunk
Holy CITO batman! It mainly looks like it was caused by two... maybe three groups of people though. There was one pile that appeared to be a lot of toys, and some of the scraps of paper said something about Valentines day. Then there's the massive pile of clothing... not sure if that's related to the Valentines pile or not. Then there's the recliner. Yeah, even if I had a dozen garbage bags, there's no WAY that would have fit into my car . Not that I particularily want moldy, musty clothing soaking a stain into the back seat of my car. That's about the last thing I want to smell on my way to work tomorrow
. Yeah... I've got to find a way to get one of those garbage-bag holder things from Canadian Tire clipped to my geocaching kit.
But as with the cache... searched every tree and bush in the area, and didn't find a hint of any kind of container of any sort. Poked around the various sheets of paper in hopes of finding the remnants of a logbook or something, but nada. Not even sure if the various toys strewn about used to be in the cache. But... yeah, couldn't find conclusive evidence of a cache here today .
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)