The play begins: (Doorbell rings) VOICE 1: “Add the unfortunate events to the whole problem and we’ll realize one awful day that it is better to have lost then to love.” VOICE 2: “The orphans will experience a riches to rags story, each struggling to find life in the meaning. The dismal parents of the children perished by fire and I’m now their guardian. The dreadful inheritance hidden at the co-ordinates will be found at last count. VOICE 1: “Olaf – you delight in the penultimate peril of others three or four times listing in detail onerous chores in double digits!” VIOLET SPEAKS: “We can’t take the ersatz elevator up while searching desperately for the herpetologist. It’s a bad beginning when one realizes the north slippery slope leads to a red herring, a parsley soda, and very cold porridge for breakfast. We three siblings must go west as all young men or women should.” (Phone rings) KLAUS ANSWERS: “Hello? Let’s stealthily meet at 667 Dark Avenue on the 66th floor.” The Play ends |
9/21/2008 by Kabuthunk
WOOH! I think this is officially my very first 'premium-member-only' cache . Very few of them in these parts, it seems.
I had actually attempted to solve this puzzle a long while back, and promptly hit a dead end. I had seen the movie this cache is referencing, but not read any of the books. Eventually, I went to 1Queenand4Jokers in hopes of getting a tip. As it turns out, the movie appears to cut out the method of solving this particular cache. Well, maybe it was in the extras or something, I dunno .
In either case, after getting a tip from the Queen, I did some research on the tip, and BINGO, I had a way to solve the puzzle . I got the correct coordinates quite quickly, and planned to go after the cache.
For several months.
I don't know how or why, but every time I was in the area, there was always something that hindered my being able to go hunting for it. Either there was multiple people (all of whom seem to be non-geocachers... I think I have only one friend who doesn't mind it), was lacking time, or otherwise preoccupied or unable to get to the cache. TODAY however, I had specifically planned to make a geocaching circuit that would swing me by this one at long last.
Being a Sunday afternoon, I was a bit worried that it might be ridiculously busy in the area, making searching exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. Thankfully, everything seemed pretty quiet. Not even many cars around, and even fewer people.
Actually, there were a few people sitting on a patio of a nearby restaurant that would have been able to see me, but I didn't actually notice them until AFTER I found the cache. Whether they saw me or cared, I can't say. But given how well the cache is hidden, I wouldn't be too worried .
Speaking of which... nice hide! I didn't know what I'd be looking for, so I was just running my hands and eyes over every possible surface. I tried from one side of the... umm... hiding structure, and then the other. After a minute or so, I spotted a likely cache container. I gave it a quick poke, and to my excitement, it moved . Excellent... something that moves typically isn't part of the structure! Popping it open, I discovered that this is quite a unique logbook. Or logbooks, anyway. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be as such, but it looks like there are about three entirely seperate logbooks in there. I'm not sure if they were supposed to be attached together, but as of right now there's multiple parts. I signed a blank page of the top one of them, and tossed a micromail ball in. Folding the logbooks back overtop of it, I clamped it shut.
Speaking of closing it... quite an interesting way of making the container as a whole! Very creative way of closing either side... can safely say I wouldn't have thought of it myself . A bit confusing as to which side to open, but I went for the most likely, which ended up being correct
And so, replacing the cache, I trotted back to my car, feeling quite accomplished. Another cache with my custom 'solved puzzle' icon on the GPS can finally be deleted .
Thanks for the interesting puzzle, cache container, and cache location as a whole. I kicked back and looked over the scenery for a good few minutes while I was there. On a quiet, warm day... defintely worth a few minutes of ones time. It seems that the name of the cache was very fitting for my hunting of it .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
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Magnets for Misfortune