Cache has a musical theme with guitar picks and a metallic logbook. You can sign in your car. Adam, the cache's indoor neighbour and a local musician, gave permission for the hide. He has cached in Hawaii with a friend. Hope he logs this one. You can take it to your vehicle to log if you like. Look - then search. Should be just barely visible. Replace in same manner. Trivia: A soprano who can sing higher than C6 is known as a sopranino. Highest female vocal note sung: G10 (25087Hz), Georgia Brown, Brazil |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/10/2008 by Kabuthunk
I've driven by this cache several times, and was always mildly perplexed as to where it could be. However, since during said drive-by's I was always on Kenaston, I wasn't able to narrow down the find from there too easily.
Today however, after having tackled the nearby 'Expired' cache, I felt confident enough to tackle another mostly-public type cache. This one!
As my wife and I pulled onto... whatever road that is, I tried to gauge approximately where the cache was while in a moving car. Unfortunately, the GPS was zoomed out too far without my noticing, so I only got a very vague idea. Since I thought that it was hidden amongst the bushes behind Triple B's (yeah, just a little bit off there , I parked in the Subway parking lot and walked over. It was at this point that I realized I was zoomed out, and discovered I was still about 90 meters from the cache. A quick walk over, and I found myself quickly nearing the coordinates.
But here lies the problem. Upon coming around the corner from behind Triple B's, I noticed that there was a number of patrons of said B of the triple variety on the patio of it.
And they decided to stare at me.
Trying to look inconspicuous, I continued walking to see where exactly I would end up once at the coordinates. To my dismay... it was still directly in the line of view of the patrons. Doing a quick 3-second swipe with my hands while making a single, quick circle around where I thought the cache might be, I turned up empty-handed. Wanting to get away from the prying eyes, I walked down the sidewalk in front of the shops until I was sure I was out of sight. About 10 feet away, I looked around as best I could, staying out of sight of the patio. To my surprise, I spotted the cache . Now... the question was whether I would be able to make the find without being in direct visibility of the patrons again.
Luck was with me, I was hidden JUST enough around the corner . Not wanting to look suspicious though, I simply walked up and quickly darted my hand towards the cache. Thank god for my gangly limbs though, as I was very easily able to make the find
I decided to walk a little bit further away from Triple B's in order to write in the log. Not seeing any park-bench type seating nearby, I parked myself on a curb a little bit away and poked around the cache. Funky guitar-picks by the way! If I played a guitar, I'd have traded something for 'em. Hell, I was tempted to anyway .
But, for some reason I didn't (I kinda wanna go back and trade now... but it's unlikely I'll stop at that strip-mall anytime soon. Less likely still that when I do, I'll have my geocaching kit with me by blind coincidence ), and I went to log myself.
At which point I was perplexed. Two logbooks? The first, awesome logbook was easy to spot, but there appeared to be a second logbook (of sorts) INSIDE the first logbook. It looked as though everyone had signed the inferior "inner" logbook for some reason, and left the perfectly viable large, easy-to-write-in, hard-backed-so-you-don't-punch-through-the-paper, nicely-lined logbook empty. Decided to change this for the better, I put the good logbook to use. Well, and the old one too, just to be safe. So after signing both logbooks (no, seriously... why was noone using the larger, metallic logbook?!?), I closed up the cache and walked back towards the car in general. A quick reach, and I was able to replace the cache without even slowing my pace. Back behind Triple B's I went, and back to the car. SUCCESS!
Two high-bystander caches back to back... I am appeased .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)