Thanks to Nieuport17 for the inspiration for this hide. Original Cache contents: First to Find Note Card, Stencils, mini flashlight and battery, Christmas ornament, lanyard, small dominoes, eye ball. Happy Hunting! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
7/11/2008 by Kabuthunk
Today just didn't feel complete without finding a geocache after work. Hence, that's exactly what I did. To this one .
After an annoyingly long day at work, I anticipated when I could leave and go after this one. I had specifically planned to go for this one mainly due to a bit of a mis-assumption on my part. I was kinda in the mood for an uber-boggy, extra-slurpy cache. My GPS indicated that this cache was very close to the river, and I couldn't remember that King's Park was over here.
However, upon realizing where the cache would be about halfway to the park (driving past the U of M is a kinda dead giveaway), I figured it'd be nice to head down to this area again. It's been forever since I had been at this park, and I was glad that another one sprung up. It gave me a chance to view all the new structures and results of the construction projects inside of it.
And man, was I treated. Right close to the parking lot, that kinda rock-hill thing with the paths going up it, and the waterfall thing happening was spectacular. In retrospect, I really should have taken a picture of it. I took my sweet time sauntering around taking in the views.
And pissing off the cankerworms. I discovered a game... grab one by its silk if it's dangling from a branch, and drag that annoying thing over the ground until either its silk breaks, or the cankerworm cuts it. Sorta like dragging someone behind a horse... if the someone was creating the rope himself... or something .
But, petty revenge on annoying bugs aside, I continued onwards and make a quick swing by the "Moe... whaaaa" cache on the way. Couldn't find it unfortunately, but I was working with 1-year old memory for that one . Heading towards the coordinates, I was treated with ANOTHER interesting treat... that kinda swirly-looking brick-path area thing. What's with the names on the bricks there, and how can I get in on that, anyway? It'd be cool to get my name on a brick there.
In either case, after circling around that a bit, I headed towards the coordinates again. It didn't take me long to find the cache, but took an extra few seconds to figure out how to get the cache container itself . However, a close look made it obvious. Thankfully, there ws noone nearby for the entire search. In fact, there was very few people in the park as a whole. Sure, it rained earlier... but it was nice out now. Eh, whatever, made it quieter and more serene for me
A quick chainmail ball-drop and logbook signing (with virtually no mosquitoes out either, so I put a bit more text into there to give future cache-hunters something to read), and I replaced the cache back from whence it came.
Thanks for the fun cache. It was great to get back out into this park again, and the lack of people combined with the nice day made it one of the most, if not THE most relaxing immediately-after-work cache yet. Definitely gave me a nice wind-down type feeling after work .
Took: Several cankerworms off my clothes
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)