LOOK carefully. Our 50th hidden cache. "This cache was created to add to the number of QUALITY caches hidden in Manitoba. It is an official BLITZ cache for the May Madness event. Hope you enjoy the hunt!" |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
10/11/2006 by Kabuthunk
I had no clue what I was even looking for with this one. I just decided to park nearby and give it a shot at random. Well... not so much at random, because I was hoping to take on all of the caches in this kinda little... section between St. Mary's, the Perimeter highway, and the river. Whatever the name of that park/field/area is.
Anyhoo... wandered in, and pretty much immediately got my feet damp. Surprise, surprise . Although, it didn't get as damp as it could have, since there was snow on the ground, so it was mainly that that got into my shoes. Hey, at least not enough to give me a shoer. Nonetheless... having no clue what I was looking for, I started by poking around a big wooden post thing on the ground, a small bird nest attached to some of the abundant flora. Yeah, surprise... didn't turn up a thing. Spent a minute or so following the other paths that zigzagged throughout the area, but tried to stay close to where the GPS was zeroing out. Lo and behold, my eyes doth spied what looked to be a cache container! I was correct! Quite the micro logbook holder indeed, but plenty of room enough for a micromaille ball at the bottom
. Excellent hiding idea
Left: Logbook entry and micromaille ball.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)