Hidden out of sight in a very public place close to public parking. Pretend to drop a mitt, stooping to pick it up (that is your clue). In other words, not necessarily winter-friendly but we hid it with no difficulty. Stealth is the key. Low and small. |
Couldn't resist rehiding here. Familiar spot to many. Small nano container. You have permission to take cache to your vehicle to sign logsheet, like this: 1Q4J 8/4 or something brief please. No year is necessary. Only 1 line if possible. Replace carefully and keep an eye out for muggles! We may just see you sometime: a favorite hangout of ours! This is a very urban hide similar to some others in Canada.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
4/29/2008 by Kabuthunk
I've been wanting to find this one for a while now. I had very much enjoyed the "Teeny Timbit The Dust" cache that had previously been nearby, and was anxious to attempt to find it's successor. However, due to various circumstances, I never had the available time or was driving past with others who weren't into geocaching or some such. Then again, having been married only a scant two weeks and change ago, time wasn't exactly on our side for the most part.
But... as time slowly begins to creep back into the vague realm of 'available', I discovered myself nearby the cache with... what's this? Time? About an hour of it? And nothing pre-scheduled to fill 1:15 of it like usual? There must be some kind of mistake. Let's see... had scheduled an appointment with the optometrist for 10:00... work at 11:30... optometrist ended at 10:30... nope, looks like I have this mystery hour with nothing currently occupying it.
No, no... not only am I NOT overbooked, but I seem to have found myself at a distinct lack of booking at the moment. The gods of time must be smiling down on me
So naturally, the first thing I did was head into Tims to get me a coffee (extra large, double-double... oh yeah). It was inside of said Tims when I remembered "Heeeey... isn't there supposed to be a geocache somewhere in the vague vicinity of here? Why yes... yes there is!"
Of course, I didn't have my GPS. Or a pen. Or chainmail balls of any sort. Or any geocaching memorabilia whatsoever.
Does that stop me? Oh HELLS no! About two weeks ago (only days after it was placed), I had happened to look at the cache page. Not only did I read the description, but I had looked at it on google maps satellite view to see if I could tell how far it was from the "Teeny Timbit The Dust" cache. It was today where that knowledge would help.
I remembered the cache description mentioned "nano", and the hint inside the description itself... so off I went. Using the perfect blend-in technique of "soaking up some sun and relaxing with a coffee outside Tims", I subtly worked my way to everywhere I could come up with that might contain a cache. A little bit of back and forth wandering, and suddenly my roving fingers happened across something out of the ordinary. Investigating further, I had confirmed a cache find [:D}.
Finding a nano cache... without a GPS... working off of 2-week-old memory... and the optometrist only 10 minutes earlier confirmed that I need new glasses. That has GOT to be some kind of record
But how to log it? Contemplating what was in my car, I concluded that I have ZERO writing implements whatsoever. Replacing the cache, I headed back to the apartment. Once at the apartment, I reached another dilemma. I wanted to bike to work, but that wouldn't give me time to get back to the cache!
But AHA! I can bike to work, and sign the cache AFTER work. GENIUS! I also grabbed some special rings for the chainmail ball for this cache, too. Had to make the chainmail during my last break due to a busy day, but I wasn't about to let this cache go un-balled
So after work, I bike over and get me another coffee for the road (note: biking and drinking coffee at the same time is hard). Using said coffee as a diversion as before, I quickly obtain the cache container and sign it up (note: had to take more than one line... the pen I had couldn't write small enough for a single line... sorry
. It's been quite a long time since I've wanted to do this (well... a little over two weeks, since it was only placed that long ago
), but the chaos that is life can only keep a Kabuthunk out of caching time for so long.
Thanks for the cache. Definitely a lot of fun, and I got to find it during my first bike-ride of the year (damn winter).
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and limited edition titanium nanomail ball, made up of 5 24-gauge, 5/64" titanium rings
Nearby Caches
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Hints (Back)
Nano at the base of an advertising pole.