I have long been thinking about placeing a cache near here. Finally I had a continaer (bison) and a name. The name as some of my fellow cachers will no is the sound my favorite toys make. |
5/28/2010 by Kabuthunk
We meet at last, cache-of-which-I-don't-understand-the-name. This was actually a bit of a spur of the moment type of caching. Not that I had particularly planned on delaying the find of it... I had contemplating going after it yesterday if it wasn't so windy and cold outside after work. But... today works just as nicely. As an added bonus, clearing this DNF was a pleasant end to a workday that was both annoying, long, and annoying .
After leaving work today (sweet, sweet freedom!), my wife happened to have called and said she needed to pick up some stuff at the mall, and for me to pick her up from there. So that got me thinking... hmm... right after work on a Friday... dare I hope to try? She said she was waiting for me in the food court... so that works out nicely given the approximate location of this cache . But... parking. Can I get lucky? As it turns out... I can! By absolute blind luck, I managed to snag a spot maybe 3 cars deep into the parking lot next to the food court. With my wife waiting inside, I figured I'd give a quick swipe at the cache, see if I got lucky and could find it without her waiting for me that much longer.
Hopping out the car, I quickly walked my way over the the approximate coordinates. I didn't have my GPS with me, so I had no way of verifying the specific location. Well, as specific as it can get between two people's GPS units... one to place the cache, one to find it. But Pa_Bottle's other caches had absolutely dead-on coordinates, so odds are these would be good. Not that it mattered whatsoever at the time because... well... no GPS with me . Thus, going off of memory I started the hunt. There was unfortunately a van parked in the parking spot right next to here again (man, why is it always that ever since this cache was placed, this spot is ALWAYS taken, but before it was placed I'd swear it was always empty). Therefore, I concentrated most of my hunting on the other side of the trees. Trying to look like I'm inconspicuously waiting for something, I kept peering around everywhere, attempting to spot the cache. At one point, I just sat down on one of the rocks there and just... looked at the area as a whole, hoping something would jump out at me. Unfortunately, this old standby did not work for me this time, and I spotted nothing.
With as few people around as I could hope for, I began to take a bit closer looks here and there, holding some stuff to the side, looking under branches, at things other than the trees, everywhere I could. Nada.
Given I'd made my wife wait an extra 5 minutes for me (not long in retrospect, but I was starting to feel kinda conspicuous out there), I said 'nuts to it' and headed inside, expecting to log a DNF. After finding her and picking up a book for myself at Chapters (another mountain-climbing survival type book... love 'em!), we headed out. I got her to come with me to take one last shot at the cache (not that she had a choice... only I knew where I was parked ). And I swear... she must have been extra-lucky today, because not 10 seconds after I got here the second time, I spotted the cache
! Quickly palming it, I sat down on a rock and opened it up.
By the way, LOVE the container. The 'added camouflage' just look hilariously awesome on there, but I don't know how long it'll last since it appears to be "real" so to speak. If it's not real, it sure looks like it is!
Anyway, I signed the logbook (first in the new logbook... WOOH!), and discovered that with the size of the log, there wasn't room for a micromail ball in there! Thusly, the cache now has a limited edition titanium nanomail ball in it (I always keep a small supply of micro and nano balls in a tiny bison canister on my keys, in case of a caching emergency). Thanks for replacing it... been wanting to find this fella for a while, moreso ever since the last DNF .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and titanium nanomail ball
3/28/2010 by Kabuthunk
I must admit, the name of this cache STILL perplexes me, even after having visited the location. Perhaps that fact was a premonition of what was to come for me here... or something, I dunno .
This was to be the last cache I was planning on going after today. I had spent a nice portion of the afternoon biking out to St. Vital Park, geocaching along the way. After meeting up with my wife who had walked all the way from Fermor & St. Anne's to Bishop Grandin & River, she was going to take the bus back, while I'd bike. Figuring to take the other side of Bishop Grandin on the way home, I had recalled seeing that there was supposed to be a geocache somewhere in or around St. Vital mall. Pointing the GPS to that location, I was indeed correct and set it to my next destination. Several minutes of biking, and I found myself near ground zero.
And man, I was kinda hoping that it'd be... I dunno, behind Safeway or something. This was quite the... conspicuous location. However, seeing bikers around the mall isn't exactly anything new, and it was still about 20 minutes until the mall closed, so security shouldn't be bugging me at all. If they however DID decide to bug me, I had already planned to say that I was waiting for my wife... and if THAT didn't fly, I'd just tell them to check with a friend of mine who happens to work security at the mall to vouch for me as begin fine. Yay for knowing people on the inside !
That all planned out in my head, I rolled my bike over and parked my keister on one of the large rocks there, basically just chillaxing and drinking some water, looking like I'm waiting. In the meantime, I scanned every square inch that I could from that vantage point of those three trees there. At least I HOPE they're in the trees... the coordinates kept trying to drag me to... well... pretty much right underneath the van that was parked in the pregnant woman spot.
Oh, that van. I swear, I don't think I EVER see anyone parked in that spot, since those and the handicapped spots are always vacant 98% of the time, but today, of ALL of the aforementioned spots... the ONE closest to the coordinates had a vehicle in it. *sigh* So much for being able to circle the trees and not look like I'm actually checking out the van instead. Methinks I'll have to get lucky sometime and try to hunt when it's quieter on a weekday, and also when that particular parking spot is empty.
In either case, I did eventually work my way around the trees entirely, but didn't find a single thing. Methinks that for the sake of expediency, I may eventually end up emailing for a hint as to how high/IF it's in the trees/etc.
Although, the BIGGEST reason I called off my search was because of something ELSE I found in those trees. During my hunt, I saw that in the Easternmost tree, there was a rather large, serrated kitchen knife just balanced over several branches midway up the tree.
Now that's just BEGGING for trouble, having a readily accessible (to punks who put it there, or know it's there) kitchen knife right next to the entrance to a busy mall. So me not wanting to leave it there, quickly grabbed it and stashed it in my backpack. Not wanting to be spoken to by any security at this point (since if they wanted to look in my bag, finding a large kitchen knife just CAN'T look good), I gave only about a minute further of searching and then booked it for home.
I shall have to return another time, sans-knife. This is one of the closer ones to home, and I drive past it like... every day, so it shant remain unfound for long .
Hints (Back)
If doing at night be careful of security, can be a bit over the edge.