Facts you may or may not know: The QUEEN is an avid historian interested in Canada's centennial year of 1967 and Joker 1 is a REACH for the TOP coach (high school trivia quizzing). I thought the geocaching community might be interested in some history. 1967 was Canada's centennial year and also the year Ronald made his presence known in Canada in British Columbia. This character is the second most recognized figure in the world (after Santa Claus). The Queens fave ancient tongue twister as a kid was: "Choosy cheese choosers always say cheese please when they choose the cheese in the cheeseburgers at ..." Another memorable but not trivial twister we've enjoyed has been: "There's more in the middle of an Egg Mcmuffin than an egg in the middle of a muffin." Historically it is 30 years old this year and the creator of it just passed away in March. Several questions to ponder: Steinbach, Manitoba's Ronald ended up in West Hawk and scuba divers can see him there. Is this fact or urban legend? Where did Winnipeg's first Ronald live? Was it at the Train or downtown? This area used to host a Log Cabin. DISCLAIMER: We are just trivia buffs and cachers and in no way promoting anything except geocaching around the world and developing trivial/thinking people. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
4/11/2009 by Kabuthunk
AHA! At long, long last, this cache that's been plaguing my mind since... *checks*... friggin' September... is finally found. There haven't been many dinifras that I've wanted to be successful as much as this one. I don't know why, either. For some reason, this cache has just... always been in the back of my mind since my first attempt of it. And then it doesn't help either that after it was replaced back in February, I hadn't had a chance to go after this cache until today. Having moved onto St. Anne's road a year and a bit ago, this cache isn't exactly down one stretch of road from me any more .
But anyway... yes. Thanks to several quick finds earlier in the day, I had time enough to go after this one again. It's been found multiple times since it's replacement, so I wasn't worried about it being missing. And as an added bonus, I was planning on taking the Perimeter back to St. Anne's, and would be able to check if they finally fixed that god-forsaken construction zone on the bridge between here and St. Mary's. Apparently... they have finished. Hey, good job Winnipeg, it only took you like... 3 friggin' years!
Sorry, don't mind me... that whole bridge construction thing is pretty high on 'things that the City has done that's pissed me off'. That digression complete, back to the cache. I headed here after having luckly found the nano 'A safe crossing' to the North. Having been pretty lucky the entire day, I hoped it would run just a little bit longer. I parked in the mostly-empty parking lot, and trudged on over. I didn't bother getting a snack like last time to be less conspicuous, since I was banking on not needing to be there long. I had several preconceptions as to where the cache would be before I even arrived. As it turns out, my first thought turned out to be the correct one. A quick reach of my hand, and I felt the container. Another second, and it was securely in my grasp. I decided to take an extra 5 or so seconds to poke around where I had been informed the previous cache was supposed to be. Much of the area was still frozen solid though, so I couldn't feel a thing. Taking a quick look around, I couldn't spot anything either. If it IS still hiding in there somewhere, it's found itself a pretty good hiding spot.
But putting that thought aside, I continued walking a bit further away to avoid drawing undue attention to myself. Parking my keister a bit aways from the coordinates, I opened up the container (which in itself took several sections, trying to figure out how exactly it opens. Evidently, it doesn't slide open like I thought it would ). One signing of the logbook later, and I closed it back up again.
But, in true Kabuthunk fashion, I almost forgot to drop in a chainmail ball! Looks like this fella gets a micromail ball, this time around. Closing it up again (kinda surprised that the insides were completely dry, in retrospect. Doesn't seem particularily waterproof... although given how it's hidden, that may be why it's dry), I walked back from whence I came and slid it back into place, barely stepping out of stride. Mission accomplished! At long last, I can stop receiving notifications of other people finding this cache! My general theory is that anything I've got a standing DNF on, goes into my watchlist (unless it's archived). I'll be able to see when it's next found... and if it is, I'll keep getting notifications to bug me enough to get off my butt and go find it, if not just to stop the emails . It's like some kind of self-torture to keep me motivated or something
Anyway, thanks for replacing the cache container! Wish I would have been able to find the original, but looks like it's not to be. But hey, at least I got to resolve a DNF, and get one cache closer to my big milestone. Only two more finds to go until the big 496 .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
9/29/2008 by Kabuthunk
Looks like I came up empty as well with this one. I was hoping to clear this one off today, since every single time I drive by it (albeit not every day... but often enough), I keep getting this urge to drop whatever I'm doing, pull over, and look for it .
Probably for the best that I was alone today, since my wife would probably have been annoyed with me poking around here for so long. At least with having followed the cache description, I avoided direct view from the restaurant itself. The rest of traffic likely either didn't pay attention to me, or failing that didn't care. Worst case scenario, I had a rock-solid excuse to back up my looking around like that... I was walking by, and one of my rings flew off my finger, landing somewhere in the grass or trees.
And I'd know exactly how to act if that happened too, since that scenario happened to me about a year or so ago. It was a cheap ring (a ring-tool, used in chainmailling... I was using it as a pinky ring as well), so no great loss... but I must have spent a good 45 minutes in that damn grass back then. And kept going back to it every day for a week. And then a few other times. I've since given up .
But yeah... if I come back another time, that be my excuse should someone ask. Although, I'm thinking I may wait for someone else to find it to at least confirm in my mind that it's still there.
I must have spent a good 20 minutes poking around there. From near the pole as indicated in the description, to almost to the edge of the tree line. Very low, mid-level, waist-height... I poked, prodded, and peered at every crevace, slot, and hidable location I could find. Did a good number on my left arm, as well. Them trees... they aren't dull . In fact... looking at my arm now... several hours later... it's still covered with hundreds of little red dots all over it. Damn trees... if the branches were at least slightly more flexible, I might not have to pincussion my arms quite so much
. They were also very dusty, for some reason... can't really come up with a reason why. I thought it rained not long ago...
Although, I DID spot some black, round... thing... embedded in the ground about 12 or so feet South of the pole. It didn't seem to move in the absolute slightest, so I imagine it's some more permanant fixture there. That, or if it's the cache, it's certainly solidified itself into position. However, since the description says close to the pole, I'm thinking that's a red herring.
But anyway... yeah. Didn't find it, will have to dinifra it another day.
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)