This cache is located in a park which has a name that makes you think about Star Trek, hence the cache name. As an old school trekkie growing up, the name lets me draw attention to a site that would appeal to other fans. That is about as far as the theme goes though as this is our first cache and I needed to come up with a name. The cache should be pretty easy to find as we want it to be kid friendly and the fun is as much in the find as it is in the search. The cache is a tubular container with our custom made cache suspension rigging. It contains a first to find certificate, some trinkets for the kids and a couple of TASKlights. This cache is close to our home, so we'll do our best to keep replenishing the supply of TASKlights for anyone who wants one. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
12/8/2006 by Kabuthunk
So there I was, sitting at home basically waiting for when I leave for work, lamenting the cold. I open my email.
"Weekly cache notification", I see. Curious... let's see what caches have come in that are likely a hundred miles away.
Only one new cache, the notification tells me. Man... they weren't kidding in the MBGA chatroom... it really DOES slow down in winter.
Wait a minute...
3.8km south of my home coordinates?
Traditional, small cache?
What did my eyes spot, but a new cache... that's close to me... that's a traditional... that's not a micro! Could this be a cache that's not a puzzle I can't solve, a multi with uber-nano coordinates in the middle, a micro that's hurled into a prickly bush, or part of a massive set of micros with a theme? WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!?
Oh right... the logbook. Yeah, I guess that would make sense .
To the car! Only a half-hour before I need to head back for work, so I was crossing my fingers on not needing... well... more than that . I park on a nearby street, and jump out. 25 minutes and counting. Having skimmed the description at home, it said we're to make our own path in winter. Well... given this is a new cache, it looks like a path has been started for me. Getting closer to the cache, the footprints somewhat fanned out, making for well... no path. So to follow suit, I trudged my own footprints through the snow.
YAAAAAY! A decently sized cache (aka: not an altoids container saying it's a small), that's fun to find, and yeah... a multitude of the things I love about geocaching! Thanks for the cache, TASK . It's quite visible though... hope no random pedestrians spot it. Then again, I came from an angle not normally travelled by pedestrians, assuming they'd take the cement-path looking... path. NONETHELESS... good stuff, good stuff
Took: TASKlight (seeing as that appears to be the signature item in the cache).
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)