This small woodland has been here as long as I can remember and was a grand place to play as a child. Growing up I started to recognize the beauty and importance of this area for the nearby schools as an outdoor classroom and play ground. The three nearby schools have taken a keen interest in the stewardship of this woodland. Help them out by doing CITO as you enjoy your walk. Take an easy and quiet walk out of the hustle-bustle of every day life. More information from:Environment Canada City of Winnipeg, Naturalist Services Watch out for Poison Ivy as it is quite common here. This cache was hidden as part of a class exercise at one of the
schools close by. |
7/9/2008 by Kabuthunk
Two forest-related caches so close to eachother? It must be a miracle!
Or Burchil.
Maybe Burchil is a miracle? Is that allowed?
Anyway... after a successful find at 'Acadia Forest' nearby, I headed straight towards this one. Well, not exactly straight, but close enough. For this one there was a bit more traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, in the area. I was a tad worried that this may hinder the finding of the geocache. However, after I found a suitable trail to wander into just South of the coordinates, I found myself in sweet, sweet solitude. The occasional broken glass bottle was around here and there (damn teenagers), and unfortunatly I wasn't equipped for this type of CITO. Trying to scrape up broken glass with my bare hands off of asphalt is generally not the wisest thing to do... especially if the glass is filthy from being outdoors in general.
However... punk, disrespectful teenager activities aside... the rest of everything was beautiful over there. As mentioned on Acadia Forest cache, the weather was spectacular, the feeling of solitude and silence while in a thoroughly developed area of the city was amazing, and the trees were lush and dense. Taking a large breath of fresh air, I plunged off the beaten path towards the coordinates. Although I didn't need to go that far off said aformentioned path which has been beaten. And where I plunged was also partially beaten as-is . But nonetheless... plunge I did onto the coordinates. It was very soon before I had spotted the cache. Much like Acadia Forest, it's camouflage had also dissipated through likely wind and/or rain. This was rectified after replacing the cache.
Prior to said replacement however, I opened the cache and had a look-see inside. Nothing particularly caught my eye again... however the mosquitoes I swear had followed me from the last cache, and had combined forces with the local populace. Attacked at just about every exposed skin location (and several attempts at going through my clothing), I was forced to speed up my log. A date, name, quick note, and indication that I left a chainmail ball was all I had time to write. A breeze right about there might have been nice to let me fill out a bit more, but beggers can't be choosy... especially on a beautiful day such as this one.
Closing up the cache, I'm pretty sure I trapped a few of those bloodsuckers inside. Warning to those who open the cache next... you may have some extremely pissed-off, extremely hungry mosquitoes going after you . Do not take this warning however as an indication that a sledgehammer should be taken to the cache container to avoid injury. After all... when mosquitoes are hungry, I'm not even sure if death can stop them
Mental note: look online for cheesy B-movie of 'undead vampire mosquitoe monsters from hell'. Something has just GOT to exist with THAT type of name .
Ahem... anyway... I closed up the goecache and attempted to flee the area in order to save myself from the attacking hordes. Damn you recent rains followed by hot sun! Beating a hasty retreat down the path I took to get there, I quickly found myself back in civilization. *sigh* the beauty that is silence and solitude were left behind for the comforts of the current day and age. Sometimes, I almost wish I was a hermit cave-dweller living off the forest. This cache had me thinking of the possibilities again.
Well, should society fall into ruin and be destroyed by its own progress, you can rest assured that I'll be kicking it back old-school (REALLY old-school) on a rock-bench inside a cave somewhere.
In either case, thanks for the set of forest caches! Hope to find more of your making sometime soon .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Hints (Back)
Oak Tree - 5 trunks