Cache is a small micro container that is very well camo'd. Be careful while removing the log and carefully replace it. Replace the cache exactly as found! This is very tricky!!!!! |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
11/30/2008 by Kabuthunk
Awright, awesome day for a geocache... my birthday . My wife and I were heading out to our Sister/Brother in Law's place for general birthday festivities (seems a lot of us are born around this time of year), and as per usual took my geocaching kit with me, "just in case".
Turns out that 'just in case' was a good idea. Y'see, the last time I was out in Carman, I had finished finding the last of the geocaches in town. However, I had no clue if any new ones had been placed. I knew that there at one point WERE unfound geocaches in town, but had been disabled over time . But hey, y'never know if another one will come up.
So a bit before Brunkild, I turned on my GPS, and saw that there was absolutely nothing even remotely close (almost a little surprised there's absolutely zero caches along the major roads like the #3). My heart sank a bit, and I turned it off for a bit. Passing by Sperling, I turned it on again... nothing. Bah... was beginning to think bringing the GPS was a waste of time. Turn it on again a bit outside of Carman... BINGO! There was only one geocache I hadn't already found in town... but it's still an unfound geocache, and thus required finding .
Unfortunately, I couldn't go after it immediately, as we were slightly late for arriving at my sister's place. So after a bit of festivities, myself, my niece, and my brother in law (aka: the usual Carman crew ) headed out to find this one. It was about 3:30, so our light was beginning to fade. We'd have to work quickly. Micros however have been known to keep me hunting for an hour or more though
My brother in law drove us right up beside the area, parked, and we all hopped out. Given the name of the cache and the general vicinity of the coordinates, we barely even needed it to tell us what general area we'd be looking. The trio of us immediately split up and began hunting. Having found other caches on similar structures, I began hunting in a manner that those other caches were placed. My brother in law also followed a similar line of thinking. My niece however had a different train of thought. Not 20 seconds after we had arrived (and I had managed to get my pants covered in snow somehow, despite there not even being much on the ground ), she was holding something in her hand, asking if it was the geocache. A quick glance at what was in her hands confirmed it! Definitely a keen eye on that one... which was probably for the best. Given the cache container, without her help I very well could have been searching for a helluva lot longer before finding it... IF I found it.
So with the cache container confirmed (myself and my brother in law thoroughly amazed by it), we proceeded to sign the logbook. I pulled out my bag of chainmail balls, at which point my brother in law began to question whether I'd be able to fit anything inside of there.
Silly man... he knows not the extent of my desire to chainmail every cache I find .
And albeit the cache container opening is small, a nanomail ball can find its way quite easily inside of it . I have yet to find a geocache I can't get a chainmail ball into (except of course containerless ones, such as earthcaches, virtual caches, webcam caches, or the like). So we close it up, and my niece puts it back where she found it. It was only at this time that I saw where she retrieved it from. It's still vaguely possible that I could have found it located there on my own, but as I said, it would have taken me a LOT longer than her, given my initial method of searching.
So thanks for the very interesting and unique geocache. All three of us loved it .
Took: Some of the snow, which decided to cling to my pants.
Left: Logbook entry and nanomail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)