Away from traffic and totally surrounded by nature, the River Walk part of the pathway features a scenic river path that follows the meandering Boyne River. In the centre of the river path is the tall grass prairie. The coordinates to the second stage of the cache are located on the inside cover of the 1st stage log book. The coordinates to the final stage are located on the inside cover of the 2nd stage log book. The containers are camoflaged plastic lock n' locks and contain a few tradable items. The final stage of the Multi contains an MBeans first to find certificate. |
2/24/2008 by Kabuthunk
Wow... this geocache has been waiting for me to complete it for a long, long time. Going back in the logs for this geocache, the last time I set foot after this multi was back on July 22nd, 2007. A little over half a year, and 6 other cache finders have seperated the first stage of this cache and the end of it for me.
In fact... I'm a touch lucky that the remainder of it wasn't put off longer still (see later). Being as it was a warmish day out (was supposed to be something like -5 out today... which is a far cry from the +43 it was the last time I went after this cache ), and everyone was full of energy, we went after it. Full of enthusiasm, we parked as close as we could to stage 2's coordinates... which have been dwelling on my GPS for WAY too long... we found a mini-path that I'm guessing is primarily used by dog walkers and deer, judging by the prints all over the place. A quick jaunt later, and we found ourselves on the main walking path. I was a tad worried that it'd be all snowed in, and impossible to navigate through... but those worries were for naught. A beautiful walk (with the occasional dog crap here and there. If you own a dog and take it walking, CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG. It makes the trail look disgusting when you don't
) later, we started to zero in on the coords. I took the lead, since there didn't appear to be much in the way of footprints leading up to the stage. Then again, since the last time it was found was in late October, odds of finding footprints in the snow from that was a little unlikely
. At first I started out around the wrong side of a tree, leading me just a little too close to a very steep drop with sharp branches below for my likings. I mean I didn't really care... if there's one thing I've got, it's balance and dexterity... but I figured my two young nieces might not have the confidence. Heading around the other side, the older niece quickly points out where the cache must likely be hidden. Looking closer, we discover that she is correct
A few trades later (can't remember what for exactly... but there's now two pog slammers in there. The logbook indicates what was traded) and I plugged in the last set of coordinates. Something seemed wrong however, since it was a good 500 or so meters away. Seeing as the duo of nieces were starting to get cold, we ended up deciding to pack it in for a bit. We drove around for a bit looking for a closer spot to park, but didn't see any that I thought would be legal.
Shortly after however, upon going back to my niece's house... my brother-in-law told me "oh yeah, that parking you thought you couldn't park in? No problem!" Well, that's all I needed to hear ! Back into the car, both my nieces, brother-in-law and myself all headed out to the final stage.
Thankfully, despite my having shoes... the fact that my brother-in-law had boots that were like... three sizes bigger than mine let me walk in his footsteps, keeping my feet mostly dry. Which was good, since the snow seemed to be fairly deep in places. Several minutes of snow-slogging later, and we found ourselves at the coordinates. I must say... there's at least 7.8 thousand different places a cache could hide at that particular location. However, with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR people searching for the cache, it didn't stand a chance . I ended up being the one to spy the elusive cache container. If memory serves me correctly, my youngest niece wanted a sticker sheet, and we traded a Marvel Pog Slammer for it. Signing it up and closing everything again, we replaced the cache container... hopefully sooner than the last time
. With winter slowly getting out of the way, I'm thinking this cache should see some more action soon. It's probably among the top two most fun caches I've done in Carman, anyway
Took: Sticker sheet
Left: Logbook entry, Marvel pog slammer, and chainmail ball
7/22/2007 by Kabuthunk
Unfortunately only managed to get to stage 1 today. Had planned to go geocaching with my nieces, but they ended up getting overheated by the time we hit the first stage of the multi (I ended up carrying the younger one back to the car ).
Then again... according to, at the time we went out, the weather was listed as "feeling like 43 degrees celcius" . The annoying part is that I would have plunged on regardless if they hadn't been there. A little bit of +40 weather isn't going to stop me from geocaching! The younger ones however... maybe a little
But... we've got the coords for stage two... and plan to tackle that on my next Carman visit. Hopefully this time, the temperature for the little ones will at least be below the human body's normal temperature .
Oh, added thanks for having the stage as being a mini-cache, so they could trade stuff and feel like they found it regardless! Traded a pog slammer for a pin .
I shall return!
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Enjoy the walk