Along a small walking path with a nice view of the Windsor Park Golf Course. Terrain is quite steep from getting off the path down to the cache site, you should be able to find a decent way down if your not as adventurous. |
Cache contains only logbook and pencil, no room for trade items. You are looking for a 2L pop bottle BEFORE they blow it up into the bottle. Green container with a white lid. Best way to replace log is to roll it up with the pencil.
Additional Hints Hints
Current at 11/6/2011
6/12/2009 by Kabuthunk
Wow, this cache put up quite the fight... both in terrain as well as general difficulty in locating it. It's been a healthy length of time since my last caching (for shame, Kabuthunk!), so maybe I was just out of practice.
But instead of blaming myself, let's blame the GPS for say... being inaccurate or something
So, despite my GPS being inaccurate, I was still able to come out victorious in the end. But it wasn't easy. I started by parking on the nearby street and walking down the gravel road towards the coordinates. I had actually driven down that back-alley road first, but determined that there was no feasable place to park without blocking off the road. So oh well... I was still only like... 40 meters away from where I parked. A quick walk later, and I discovered how this cache got it's terrain rating
. However, having grown up in the country (and quite enjoying climbing over various things as a kid), it didn't pose too much of a problem. Locating a 'micro' sized cache in there though? That could be interesting.
So following what I assume was another cacher's pseudo-trail down into the trees, I began my search. Not having read the hint or previous logs or anything, I had no clue what I was searching for. Just 'something small' was all I was running with. So I proceeded to check under, wedged amongst, or dangling from every possible place I could find. Nada. Didn't see a single thing. Expanding my search a bit, I eventually found myself to an interesting looking bike trail at the bottom of the slope (mental note for biking... this is only a few kilometers from my place), and was pleasantly amused by the trees growing through the fence. I scoured that big, cylindrical cement thing down there, and couldn't find a thing. It struck me as quite a potential location though, due to the hole in the center of it. However, a bit of prodding and poking turned up nothing, so I continued my search.
Expanding my search a bit to the side however, I poked around a second batch of bushes. Although these bushes were a bit angrier. There was one tree in there that had those really sharp, like... 2-inch long thorns. So a few of those found their way into my back. Multiple scratches and jabs later, I found a technique to weave my way through there without injuring myself repeatedly. After hunting there for a bit, I broke down and checked Cachemate for the hint and last few logs. The hint seemed rather peculiar, but Hikhik's log seemed to support it. So I spent the next 20 minutes checking in and around every instance of the subject of the hint. Still... nothing.
Just as I was beginning to give up hope, I returned back to one of the bushy areas, and was just kinda standing there, looking around for anything I didn't already search. And then I saw something that seemed perfectly in-place, but decided to check it closer due to the hint. Second later, I saw what just HAD to be the cache
. Oh, if only I had checked that closer the first time I searched the immediate vicinity... I probably would have saved about 25-30 minutes
Victorious at last, I jotted my name on the logbook and dropped a micromail ball into the bottom of the container (which in itself is awesome
). It took a bit of fanangling to get it to return from whence it came, but eventually I was satisfied that it would remain there and not accidentally dislodge itself from the wind or whatever. Replacing the cache's hiding method back to how it was before I got there, I headed back to the car, glad that I didn't have to log a DNF. Barely... it was getting preeeetty close. Especially since I was on a timeline, and had to be picking up my wife in about 15 minutes from this point
Thanks for taking me to this little trail, which I will undoubtably bike down sometime in the vaguely near future
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
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Hints (Back)
Move the stick, but replace the stick