Cache located just off a bike path along the Seine. Should be a fairly easy find, you are looking for a white container with geocaching label. The name of the cache will make sense once you find the container. Remember to replace cammo |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9/6/2009 by Kabuthunk
Holy mosquito breeding grounds, Batman! Given the recent finds by other cachers, I made the safe assumption that I was concentrating my search on the wrong location last time. However, due to a vacation to Calgary (followed by procrastination in general ), I haven't gotten a chance to re-attempt this cache until now. I realized that I might be in for a rough time giong after this cache today. The temperature is... *checks*... 28, feels like 36 out. I knew it was supposed to be ridiculously hot before going out, but I had spare time today, and this cache has been mocking me ever since I DNF'd it last time
Thus, after it I went. I figured it wouldn't be wise to bike to it today... given I'd probably be 10 times as sweaty when arriving, and probably dehydrated as hell by the time I got home, never mind a minor heatstroke-induced headache that tends to come when I bike in weather like this. So, hopping into the car (which despite having been air-conditioned only 45 minutes ago from us having gone grocery shopping, was already ridiculously hot inside), I headed towards the cache. I didn't even bother turning on the GPS for a bit, since I was basically navigating my way there from memory. Thankfully, I turned down the correct street, and quickly found myself a parking spot about 60 meters from the coordinates. Walking over, I immediately began to sweat after the first 10 steps. Oh good... that'll give the mosquitoes something to smell from a mile away . This time at least, I walked down a wide, straight path (which having gone down it now, I should have taken last time I was here... but it was dark, and I was in a rush back then) towards the coordinates. I had a bit more faith in my finding abilities today, given this time I had a) light, and b) lots of time.
Just to be safe, in case things were replaced without a note being made on the cache page, I re-checked that spot that I had spent so long near last time. Sure enough... absolutely nothing. Yep... I was in the completely wrong area. What also made this a bit interesting was that I had to keep moving. Like... permananatly. If I stopped for even half a second, there were at least a million mosquitoes attacking me. Now, mosquitoes generally tend to leave me alone, and go after anything else nearby first. However, I swear I must have been the first food they'd seen in a week, because they were absolutely insane! Although, when I found the logbook, it looks like someone found the cache yesterday too, but haven't logged it online yet. Hope you made it out with more blood than me, man . This time, the GPS decided to play nicely, and it led me away from my initial search area. Several steps off the trail, and I immediately saw what I figured had to be the ACTUAL hiding spot. Several seconds later... JACKPOT!
And yes... the name of the cache does indeed make sense . Not sure where you found that namesake, but it's awesome
After poking around a bit, I decided that I had fed the mosquitoes enough, and figured I should move things along a bit. A quick signing (VERY quick... I had to stay still to write), and I tossed a chainmail ball in. Sweet merciful hell, those mosquitoes are determined! I also noticed a travelbug, and scooped it up to move it along. Thanks for the adventure though! When the mosquitoes go away a bit, I'll have to check out those trails a little bit more thoroughly on my bike. In the daytime . And probably when it's windy, just to be safe. Although, I REALLY like the view there, and the fact that the foliage is so thick would make for next to no wind regardless. But still... I loved the atmosphere of the area (mosquitoes aside). If one was physically capable of staying still, that'd be the type of place I'd set up a folding chair, and just spend an afternoon relaxing and listening to nature
. One day... one day...
Took: Roman Bug travelbug
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
8/15/2009 by Kabuthunk
Well, I did the best I could trying to find this cache, given the circumstances upon which I was looking. Perhaps also I'm just not meant to find this cache (although I'll damn well be trying again, I can tell you that ). Sad as it may seem, I haven't touched my bike since I lost my GPS while biking on July 4th. Whether it was some unconscious association that I'd formed, or just plain laziness, I couldn't say. However, I've modified my Geocaching bag to no longer have the "gps slip off the clip" problem
Nonetheless... for some reason, this evening I spontaneously was in the mood for a bike ride. Nothing led up to it, nothing prompted me to think of biking... just at about 8:30pm (yes, that late I started out), I was in a mood to bike. So I grabbed my Geocaching bag and headed outside with the bike. Given the last time I biked I had been on the way to this very cache, I decided it'd be a good one to go after again. As I biked towards the coordinates, I was very quickly losing light. Looking online now, it appears that sunset is supposed to be 8:44pm. Huh... didn't realize I had THAT little time to work with. Well, regardless of this I biked onwards. After all, it's not like it becomes instantly black when the sun sets. I still had plenty of twilight to work with, in theory. Soon enough, I found my road to turn off of St. Anne's, and minutes later was 50 meters from the cache. Heading down one of the numerous trails into the bushes, I quickly discovered that today may perhaps have NOT been the greatest of days for biking down a forest trail. That was probably the wettest, most humid trail ride I've done in quite a while . Thankfully, there wasn't many puddles on the trail (well, except a large, but easy to bike around one on the way out), so I didn't get muddy from that.
Arriving at the coordinates, I hopped off my bike and began hunting around. I noticed a number of geotrails leading in various directions, going to seemingly possible hiding spots. The problem however is that when there's THIS much low-growth foliage, ANYWHERE ends up being a possible hiding spot . With the light quickly waning, since it was already significantly cut down having entered the trees, I pulled out my pocket flashlight (mental note... change batteries in there... getting pretty dim at this point... a fact which didn't help matters either. Course, I've been telling myself that mental note for the past 6 months or so
). Deciding that looking from "the bottom up" so to speak, I carefully worked my way down the slick, muddy trail to right at the water's edge (a trail which I nearly slipped on multiple times during my approx. half hour of searching). Searching in as many places as I could contemplate, I didn't see anything remotely cache looking. Popping open the palm pilot, I checked out the description.
At which point, the tip given in the description led me back to a place I had already searched that seemed perfect at the time, and even more perfect having read the cache description. After a thorough search both by way of flashlight and feeling around with my hands, I was unable to locate any geocache container . I did however find an abnormally large number of clam shells in the vicinity... which still perplexes me as to why there was so many specifically there. Doing another quick circle around the area, expanding my search radius, I still found nothing. Giving one last circle around the "seemingly perfect" area still came up empty. At this point, it was around 9:15pm, the light was all but gone, and I was drenched.
To add the the fun, I was so gung-ho about the bike ride that I was still wearing the shirt that I was going to wear to go out with friends tonight. As I type this, it's sitting in the dryer, after having been soaked and scrubbed clean at the same time as I was showering .
Alas... this cache eluded me today. However, I shall return, I shall dinifra! You haven't seen the last of me!
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)