Cache is a 500 and something ML lock 'n' lock. Should be out of the way of the water when the little creek thing is full of water. Contains log, pencil, and a couple things from my drawer. Happy Caching |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/3/2009 by Kabuthunk
This cache by far put up the biggest fight to be found today. Of the three caches that I went after, about 3/4 of the total searching time spent was on this cache alone . As other cachers have mentioned, there's a loooootta places a cache could hide around here. I'm just glad I kept at it, and eventually came out successful.
Although, I'm thinking a bit of CITO work could stand to be done in this wooded section. Safe bet it's all blown in and melted out of the snow that was piled into here (of which there's still a tiny little pile of icy snow still on one of the slopes here). Hopefully the city will give it a good cleaning in a little bit.
I've never actually been to this pool. Then again, I've only been to about 3 or so pools in the city, so that leaves a lot that I haven't been to . But... enough about the pool, to the cache!
I parked on the edge of the grass, about halfway down the slope to that little stream thing. Thankfully, it was steep enough that I doubt anyone driving by would even see my bike. Actually, I think only a single vehicle drove by while I was there... and I was there for a good 20 minutes about! Maybe the pool was closed... no clue what the hours are. It had cars in the parking lot, anyway. I first set about checking a few spots that I figured would be the "obvious" hiding spots... obviously turning up nothing. As with other cachers, my GPS kept bouncing me all over the place as well. I kept having to haul my carcass overtop of that fallen tree back and forth throughout my search. However, the GPS kept on trying to lean towards me going in a specific direction as a whole... and I wish I would have followed that general leaning for about another 5 meters, because then I would have found the cache a helluva lot sooner .
So yes... after getting multiple burrs on myself, dirty fingers from checking in various piles of leaves, and tangled hair from the million branches that seemed to keep finding it... I eventually had the cache in hand! I definitely made it a lot harder on myself than it had to be, anyway . I quickly opened it up and checked out the contents. A SCUBA-related travelbug... hmm... let's trade that out for a "Shark Attack" geocoin. Not sure how fitting it is for a public pool, but it'd definitely make swimming more of an extreme sport
The quick trackable trade complete, I replaced the cache as I had found it and made my way back to my bike. Thankfully, noone had come up to me and asked what I was doing or anything like that. Since I happened to be wearing my Cannibal Corpse shirt today, I might have left an interesting first impression. At least I wasn't wearing my trenchcoat today .
But thanks for giving me a place to drop off that geocoin. A few more caches out of my Dani-radius, but it almost seems more are adding themselves in than I'm finding.
And that's a good thing .
Took: Scuba Dive Flag travelbug
Left: Logbook entry, Shark Attach geocoin, and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)