This should be an easy park and grab for travellers bypassing Winnipeg around the south end. It’s a small lock-n-lock, please be sure to replace it at a winter friendly height. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
8/8/2010 by Kabuthunk
WOOH! Glad I was actually able to get a chance to do some geocaching today. Or this weekend at all, really. Every day this weekend, I've been occupied with some activity or event, and it's generally been swamping my time. Today however, although there was a family gathering/celebration out in Carman, I decided to tackle a few caches on the way home if I got a chance. Vaguely remembering that there was at least one cache somewhere down this stretch of highway that I hadn't found (the Smell cache a little to the East), I turned on the GPS and glanced down at it about halfway towards Winnipeg.
Suddenly, much to my surprise, a geocache icon appeared much sooner than expected! Evidently, the last time I looked for caches down this stretch was sometime before November of 2009 it seems. Straining my eyes to try to find a dirt road or path or something to pull off the road, I'm dismayed when the tall grasses hide it until just a little bit too late. Quickly slowing down from 100 to stop in a matter of seconds (much to the surprise of my wife, who was sleeping in the passenger seat up until a few moments ago ), I found myself stopped on the shoulder about 30 feet past the dirt/gravel road. Wanting to avoid startling the drivers still on the highway with reverse lights, I waited until the bulk of the traffic went past, and then shifted it into reverse when the coast was clear. A scant 5 seconds later, and I backed into the gravel road and found myself a way to park without blocking it off.
My wife... thankfully not particularly annoyed with me since I had warned her before leaving Carman that I'd be stopping for geocaches... stayed in the car and read a book while I hopped out into the... according to the Weather Network... "feels like 37" degree celcius weather. Thus, I set off to attempt to find the cache in as little time as possible to avoid overheating.
Although in all actuality, a good sweating is probably good for me. Aside from the various events, today in particular I've been fighting off a hell of a cold, which for some reason decided to get a lot worse just as we were leaving the party. In either case, my temperature has felt like it's been all over the place due to this, and I think I actually was at a time when the heat didn't feel quite as bad as it should have.
Making my way over towards ground zero, I was somewhat amused by the fact that it seemed to be leading me towards a massive tower of a sign for Brett Young. Coincidentally, I work as a customs broker and we deal with this company on a daily basis . But that mild amusement aside, I quickly found my way to the many, many thistles and grasses that reside at ground zero. It appears that the mowers don't feel it necessary to bother getting close to the sign or weed-whacking around it. Pfft, slackers
. That aside however, it didn't take me more than about 20 seconds to lock into the geocache container. One quick retrieval later, and I was digging through the contents of the cache. However, due to wanting to get out of the heat as soon as possible, and possibly also feeling somewhat out of it due to the cold, I didn't notice the geocoin in the geocache, otherwise I would have snagged it to move it along. Probably for the best, anyway... now it avoids getting cold germs on it
One quick signing later, and I closed up the cache and replaced it as found. Although, I'm quite curious as to what that mini-structure is right at ground zero. It looks like the door fell off long ago, but yeah... it's purpose makes me rather curious. Especially way out by this sign where seemingly nothing else is. In either case, thanks for giving me a quick cache to stop for on the way home .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)