I placed this cache on February 2nd, 2006. I meant to make it super-hard and wickedly tricky. But now I don't like doing those caches, so I'll spare you the agony. Bring a book (or something else with printing on it) to trade. |
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
5/10/2009 by Kabuthunk
A beautiful day for geocaching... and it made for quite a successful day for me. This was cache four of five, with no DNF's today to speak of . After I had spent the day in Carman with my sister and brother-in-law, I decided that I wanted to find a few more geocaches on the way home. I took the #2, but once I had reached the connection point of the #2 and #3 highways, I had pretty much just assumed that there was no more geocaches that would easily be between there and home. After all, the last time I had gone to Carman, and every time previous for god knows how long, I had found all of the caches along this stretch of the #3, and hadn't seen anything new in the past forever.
So imagine my surprise when I happened to zoom out on the GPS a bit while driving, and noticed a geocaching icon relatively close to the road! Most unexpected. What makes it even MORE unexpected is the fact that it's been here since mid-2008! Well... 2006 according to the description, but I don't recall seeing the puzzle version of it on my GPS when I was passing by in the past, so I'm guessing the coordinates for the start of the puzzle was off somewhere else.
But nonetheless... this cache has been a traditional here for almost a year, and I hadn't found it any time prior to today due to assuming that there wasn't anything else around here! That'll teach me to assume things. Guess who's GPS will be turned on every visit to Carman from now on .
So from when I saw the icon on my GPS, I didn't have much time to slow down and turn. At quick braking later, and I was able to make the turnoff onto the RIDICULOUSLY in need of a grader gravel dirt road. Thankfully, I grew up in the country on a gravel road, and was well acquainted with driving around potholes. Manoevering my car around the various alignment-wreckers, I eventually worked my way towards the coordinates. However, it wasn't going to be as easy as I expected! The cache was still over 100 meters away. Parking the car, I climbed out and began my trek. It was a bit worried that it would be ridiculously wet during the walk, but for most of the stretch, that pseudo-ditch was dry and I was able to walk easily along it, without having to go through the long grass. Well... except up until it started getting wet, about 20 meters from the coordinates. At THAT point, I climbed onto the grassy part and took that the rest of the way.
Once I reached the coordinates, finding the cache itself was quite easily. Unfortunately, I hadn't read the cache description prior to visiting here (heck, I didn't even know it existed until 5 minutes before finding it ), so I didn't have any books to trade
. However, I dropped in ye olde signature ball and signed the logbook and poked around what books were there. That Issac Asimonv novel looked somewhat interesting, but having no tradeables suitable for it, I left it for another cacher. Perhaps one day I'll come back for it... but that's probably on my next trip to Carman whenever that is, IF I remember to bring a book AND remember to stop to trade it
. I'll try, but I can't guarantee anything with odds like that.
But thanks for giving me another stop on the way home today. Definitely nice to see more caches out along the #3 highway, which all the way from here to Carman (and most likely continuing past), the cache density is preeetty sparse . So yeah... much fun today
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)