-Slurpees are offered in many but not all covered countries. -Canadians purchase an average of 30 million drinks per year. -Despite its status as a very cold city and with a population of only 700,000, Winnipeg, MB was crowned the Slurpee Capital of the World for the eleventh time in a row in 2010. -7-Eleven stores across Winnipeg sell an average of 188,833 Slurpee drinks per month. -The rest of Canada sells an average of 179,700 per month, which makes Winnipegers the world leader of Slurpee sales. -Unlike their counterparts in America, Canadian Slurpees are not injected with air CONGRATULATIONS TO GG+J on being FTF STF: Lynda.L. TTF: missionmode, netleyhunter and techdeckperson |
8/13/2011 by Kabuthunk
Ahh... I managed to succeed in a quest long sought after. Ok, so it wasn't really sought after all that long... I only realized that I was about to hit find #711 when I left Oak Hammock Marsh last, and ended up with 710 finds. But at that moment, I knew what must be done. I must find a cache associated with slurpee's or 7-11, and make that my 711th find. Not knowing of any off the top of my head, I wandered over to the mbgeocaching message board, where I was quickly informed of a whole set of 7-11 based caches. What luck! It turns out I won't have to contrive some vague association to 7-11... there's some directly associated ones currently available .
Thus, I checked out all of the caches in this series to see where they were, when they were last found, etc. It turns out... none of these are particularly close to where I live however. No problem, next available chance, I'll book it over here in the car.
That was a week or so ago. Various things came up, I got hooked back on Fallout: New Vegas, and various other things ended up taking precedence. What also didn't help is that this country boy tends to be very nervous and paranoid about heading to areas of the city he's not familiar with... these caches being a prime example . But as luck would have it, today I both had time, and my wife wanted to head to Sev with me. Win/win! I get the comfort of not being alone in an unfamiliar neighbourhood, and she gets a slurpee!
And so we set off. A bit of driving and winding around later, and we found ourselves in front of Sev. After parking, my wife went into to get a slurpee and look around, while I hunted for the cache. Much to my pleasure, the parking lot was entirely empty except for our car, and one other one on the far North side of it… likely that of the people working there. Even the streets seemed fairly quiet… it’s like this cache was being given to me as a gift by the caching gods!
The entire process took less than 5 minutes, but after the first few I was getting quite nervous of looking fairly conspicuous. After several wrong places, I found I wasn't actually at ground zero and followed the GPS. It directed me about 5 meters away from my first hunting spot, where I somehow managed to locate the cache in about 60 seconds. I don’t know how I did it, but odds are a lot of luck played into it. The coordinates seemed pretty bang on though . I stepped away a bit to get a flat surface to write on, and signed up the log and dropped in a micromail ball. A few seconds back at ground zero later, and I had the cache back in place as I had found it. Quick and quiet, just the way an urban cache needs to be found. Prior to heading here, and somewhat during the hunt, I was debating if I’d have to cycle through the various 7-11 related caches in hopes of finding at least one of them for the find, but with other obligations later in the day, I’m glad that I was able to find this one quickly and then head off.
Well, not head off too quickly. After the find, I met up with my wife where she had just finished paying for the aforementioned slurpee and a drumstick (nice hot day equals cold beverage and ice cream ). I took the opportunity to grab myself a slurpee before heading out from a successful, if not short, cache outing today
Thanks for giving me a good cache to find as number 711. As an added bonus, slurpees were had by all in celebration .
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and micromail ball
Hints (Back)
No slurpee's were harmed in the making of this cache.