Small to Med. Lock & Lock Camo. Contains: FTF, Log book writing sticks, cars, coin, fishing lure, key chain tape measure, Darth Vader Pin, golf ball. My first Cache, Enjoy.
NOTE: Cache is on private property BUT the owner is turning into a cacheholic and you do not have to enter the yard. |
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Current at 11/6/2011
4/5/2007 by Kabuthunk
Yet another after work caching today. It seems as though I've been slowly clearing out this area of town. Having to start migrating further and further away to find anything. And hence... this cache was selected to go down next
It was a surprisingly quick drive from work. Traffic didn't snarl to a halt with the long-weekend after-work rushhour or anything (I ended up discovering THAT about 5 minutes after leaving the cache... at which point it took over an hour to get home). Although, I was driving up from the wrong direction, so to speak, so I ended up having to go a block or two past the cache before I could find an easy place to turn around (aka: 4-way stop with no other cars in sight). After parking nearby, I walked over.
Actually spotted the cache extremely quickly. Just had to find a way to inconspicuously go after the cache unnoticed, and inconspicuously put it back in an inconspicuous manner.
Random note: Today I happened to be wearing a 15-pound galvanized steel chainmail shirt. VERY inconspicuous today
. Don't worry... I had my jacket on and zipped up. I get the feeling trying to keep wandering eyes from stopping on me may have been hard when I would end up being the shiniest person on the street
Anyhoo... basically just looked as though I was relaxing and waiting, reached back and snagged the cache. Toss in a chainmail ball (no, I'm not leaving the OTHER chainmail item in the cache. I somehow doubt it'd fit. Also, stripping in public probably has some consequences
), and signed the logbook. Nice area of town though. Can't say I've ever even driven by around here. Will have to poke around sometime and see what shops and whatnot are kicking around.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry and chainmail ball
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