Please come join the MBGA for another entertaining evening with food and drinks and lots of cache talk...Where: Round Table
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10/26/2011 by Kabuthunk
I was finally able to head out to another geocaching event. I've been kicking myself for missing the Triple-B's event due to straight out forgetfulness, so I had this one written on the white-board at my place and even wrote it on my hand in the morning so I'd be sure to remember . As it turns out however, due to my wife unexpectedly having her class at Red River end early, I had to split earlier to pick her up. But at least the time I got in while I was there was nice and quite delicious.
I actually for some reason thought that the event started at 18:00... must have not looked at the event description in a while and mixed it up with some other one. Had I known it started at 19:00, I'm not sure if I would have still showed up early, or gone home first to grab my chainmail shirt since apparently OHMIC hasn't seen it yet. In either case, I ended up arriving at about 18:30, and instead of the expected full tables (remember, thought it started earlier), I saw a handful of cachers at one lone table in the lounge who also apparently headed here directly from work.
What's amusing about that whole situation though is that I grabbed a random t-shirt and crammed it into my bag at home in the morning to change into, since I wanted to wear something more comfortable than my work shirt. Looks like every event I'll be plagued with forgetting something, and this time it was not thinking of putting the chainmail shirt into my bag .
After I arrived, the others had already apparently ordered, and a few minutes after sitting down klblue and his wife wandered in as well for a short visit before heading out early as well, but for them it was for Cirque du Soleil. We all ordered as well, upon which I received arguably the most delicious, juicy burger I've had in years. I'm seriously mental-noting this place for it's food... that was phenomenal compared to any other burger I've had in memory. So while munching on that, the group chatted about caching in general, and klblue informed me (he had apparently emailed me a while back, but it must have gotten eaten by the spam filter or I missed it somehow) that he had retrieved my archived 'Brinstar's Revenge' cache container that I've been too scared to go after due to the hunters that have unexpectedly sprung up in there. So that's good... the logbook is by far the most important, so he said he'll get that to me when he can. Thanks a million, man !
All the while, the place started filling up more. Dani showed up, followed shortly thereafter by like... everyone . We ended up occupying all of the tables on that entire side of the lounge, and several of the other tables in the middle as well. Shortly after klblue and wife (sorry, can't recall her name... I'm still terrible with names), I got the text from my wife saying that class was ending early, and I had to split about an hour earlier than expected. Well, at least I still had time to finish my burger before heading back to the car. Due to being tired and still having to do some work at home afterwards, we headed straight home after picking her up. Next event, hopefully it'll work out that I can stay for a bit longer. Hopefully in chainmail
Come to think of it though, I'm not sure how well that'll work out, since I read something about people not being allowed to wear 'body armour' because of the gangs (I don't even know how that works... we're legally forced to not protect ourselves?) or something. I'll have to look into that... maybe call a police info line and see what they say. And maybe the venue the event is at as well. Last thing I need is to be arrested for wearing something I made myself long before that stupid rule.
In either case, a delicious event, and hopefully I'll be able to spend a bit more time chatting it up with people at the next one.
Took: Nothing
Left: Logbook entry on a scrap of Rite-In-The-Rain paper (the event logbook wasn't here yet) and a chainmail ball that klblue's wife retrieved.
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